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The Quantum Activist

The Quantum Activist (2009)

August. 25,2009
| Documentary

There is a revolution going on in science. A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., a pioneer of this revolutionary new perspective within science, shares with us his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being, and how this revelation can actually help us to live better. The Quantum Activist tells the story of a man who challenges us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein. This film bridges the gap between God and Science. The work of Goswami, with stunning precision and without straying from the rigors of quantum mechanics, reveals the overarching unity inherent in the world’s major religions and mystical traditions. Meet the man behind the message…


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My wife and I watched for maybe five minutes. Then I jumped forward a chapter to see if it improved. It didn't. Nothing but pseudo-science drivel and lots of meaningless footage of sunsets, rivers, people and sitar music, which had nothing to do with anything. This movie had nothing to do with quantum mechanics. Go read the Netflix reviews on this POS to get a fuller understanding of how bad it is. Save 77 minutes of your life for something more useful, such as watching grass grow or, even better, watching paint dry. On top of all the lame philosophizing the problems are compounded by the speaker having an unintelligible accent. Just because he is a PhD quantum physicist doesn't mean he knows how to preach it. He had no interest in presenting quantum mechanics, he just wanted to bloviate on about new-age BS and feelings and beliefs and spiritualism. The title is so misleading the makers should be banned from ever handling a camera again.


I'm a late comer to this film. I wish I had seen it when it was new. I'm sharing this film with everyone I know, well that I know who aren't entrenched in their way of thinking about spirituality or religion. My partner and I watched and were inspired to do more searching for the primary concept developed in this film. What we've found is there are numerous bright people in history who share the same premise for the relationship between science and spirituality. The more we read the more we discover there is real cause for this message to reach the broadest audience possible. I would be delighted to encounter others who get it like the kindly spoken Professor Goswami. If you have the chance to absorb the content and follow the reason, I truly believe you will have shared an experience with others who are also aware of their connection to the non-local consciousness.


It is about a man and how he came to an idea that solves a major paradox of quantum physics. I can see how some would dismiss it because of some of the terms used but in context and with a sharp mind you will find that it fits with modern physics. If you can connect the various terms that different physicists use and imagine the underlying nature of what they are all trying to describe I would say that the man in this documentary adds to that picture using his background as a physics professor and scientist and using the language of his own cultural perspective.I appreciate different perspectives on the same subject and this film has a great idea presented in an interesting fashion with plenty of context and a good explanation. I wouldn't use it as a sole source of information on the subject of physics but then there are no such sources to be found. One simply has to search far and wide according to your own capabilities and ways of thinking.


I watched this movie tonight with very little expectations, I didn't even know what it was. I read the other reviews after I watched it. I don't understand why people find it hard to find meaning in the quantum life of everything? There were two negative reviews and one positive review. If what I gather from the negative reviews spoke to me and to what I use to make decisions in my life, I would have been disappointed - of course.This was about one teacher and one teacher's viewpoints on a current and evolving science that needs innovative thinkers to expand on the knowledge. I found him very engaging and very intuitive.Might not work for everyone. But take the negative or the biased reviews (heck take the positive ones in the same way) with a grain of salt. I don't agree with many politicians but I will still listen and provide constructive feedback. Why can't people do the same for scientists? Even ones that might be labeled "fringe" by the current culture. They might have something useful to say - like the one truth we can all find our way to agree on if we examine our own ways of thinking is that it is essential to treat people how you would honestly want to be treated.
