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Blue Man Group: The Complex Rock Tour Live

Blue Man Group: The Complex Rock Tour Live (2003)

November. 25,2003
| Comedy Documentary Music

Offbeat performance artists The Blue Man Group have finally been captured live on this disc that features concert footage, three full-length music videos and three songs from Blue Man Group's album, "The Complex." The live footage was filmed during Blue Man Group's successful and widely acclaimed August 2003 rock tour, where they wowed 9,000 fans in two sold-out concerts.


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I have watched this DVD COUNTLESS times and there is no way that I'll ever get enough of it. Whatever mood I'm in, it instantly improves for the better.If you know and love the BMG you will adore it and probably already own it. If you do not, you will be AMAZED! There is not one person I have shown this to who has not become an immediate and intense fan.The BMG are nothing short of addictive - and this DVD ROCKS. You will laugh very hard, you will find yourself dancing (I dare anyone to keep up RM #3 for long) and your mouth will drop at some of the AMAZING performances during this show by both guests and the BMG.From a journey that explores our isolation in office cubes and society in general to a beautiful tribute to 9/11 to short comic skits (the rock manual encourages the blue men to do something to make their appearances stand out, LOL) to an intense performance of The Who's Baba O'Reily - with Tracy Bonham practically burning up her violin - you will witness a concert like no other.It's nothing like a show you'd see in one of the regular venues - but it is nonetheless intense as they explore the "Rock Movements" so cliché' with any touring rock band.Three blue men who say nothing at all can move audiences of 10,000. Enough said.Welcome ahead of time to the world of BMG. It's a very wild and happy place to be. :-)

Michael DeZubiria

This is the first time I've seen any performance footage of the Blue Man Group, who I previously knew only from having seen them in commercials several years ago. They are such an entertaining act that they don't even need very innovative or even very good quality music, and yet the songs that they write are fantastic. They poke fun at themselves in this concert, with a big booming voice echoing through the concert hall between songs, giving instructions on how to become rock stars. On the other hand, it's a great illustration of the differences between themselves and conventional rock stars, a surprising number of which seem to have followed the instructions to the letter.Some of the instructions the Blue Men are clearly mystified by, such as the rotating your hips to the techno music section, but others they adhere to with hilarious closeness, such as the "Alter your appearance to make you stand out from the crowd." They have this characteristic way of looking at each other, as though they're not sure what's going on, and it is a great effect when they do it here, as though just realizing that they look different than all of the people watching them.Another of the many highlights of this concert is the section where they pay homage to all of the other rock stars that came before them, again following instructions given by the booming voice. The crowd cheers in delight as they recognize some earlier hits such as a song by one-hit-wonders Devo (the majority of whose music is almost painful to listen to), and Crazy Train by Black Sabbath. The Blue Men react in hilarious fright when Ozzy's voice bursts from the speakers.The DVD also features a couple of music videos of songs which also appear in the concert, but the videos are great to watch on their own as well. There is an outstanding song called Sing Along that should certainly not be missed, since it is sung by Dave Matthews (who does not appear in the concert). It is a beautiful song, and the Blue Men perform it with their characteristic mixture of humor and incredible musical skill, banging on huge octopus-looking structures of PVC pipes and vacuum cleaner hoses strung about their bodies like grotesque backpacks, pouring from them an astonishing composure of sound. I also love the effect of the guy with the whip.There is also a video of the song that the Blue Men did for Terminator 3, although it is much less impressive than the other two music videos that appear on the DVD because Bush's Gavin Rossdale has too much of a heavy presence in it. It is his music video, the Blue Men simply make appearances, which is why it comes off as a more traditional and less interesting video, although the third video, Exhibit 13, is incredibly simple, beautiful, and an exhibition of pure artistic skill.At the time of this writing something like 13 people have rated this concert DVD on the IMDb, and I like to think that it's just because not many people go to the IMDb to look up information about concert DVDs as much as to get information and write reviews and whatnot of more traditional movies. Whatever the case, I certainly hope that more people will make an effort to see this DVD and other work by the Blue Men, because they are certainly one of the most talented acts working today. Their unique and fascinating performance makes even the best rock acts seem to fuse together with the rest of the traditional performance world, even to the point of blandness. If you get the chance to see them in concert (which I haven't), don't miss it because it is sure to be a concert experience unlike any other.


From start to finish you will be glued to the screen while the sights and sounds of the Blue Man Group rock your brain into a state of awe. High intensity drumming combined with the quirky humor of the Blue Man Group along with guest musical performances make this a well rounded Blue Man experience. Watch this in a blacked out room (no extraneous light) with an extra sub-woofer hooked up to your surround sound system. You will not regret it! When the show is over, you will draw a deep breath, exclaim "WOW!" and break into a broad smile. This is one outstanding show and I liked it better than the live performance at the Briar Street Theater in Chicago!


The Complex Rock Tour is amazing. The Blueman Group combine comedy, interesting facts, and awesome music all into one show. No one will leave the show without a smile on their face, this show is worth every penny that anyone will spend on it. The lighting effects, music, and odd instruments keep you on the edge of your seat. If you get the chance for a signature, they will simply place their hand on their head, and stamp your shirt with their hand print. They constantly have audiences full of people waiting to have an awesome time. They don't compare to any other show, due to the fact that the majority of their songs are done without a word. This show is very unique and as E entertainment states, "The show rocks..."
