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Second Coming

Second Coming (2014)

September. 02,2014
| Drama

A married, middle-class London couple are shocked when they seem to have been blessed — or cursed — with an immaculate conception.


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If I wanted to have a movie "left up to (my) interpretation", I would have only read the plot and not wasted nearly two hours I'll NEVER get back! I would be livid if I had paid to see this. Out of all the movies I have seen employing the same tactic of disregard for those investing time and/or money in viewing films, this takes the cake! What a way to royally mistreat an audience.I hope Idris was well compensated for wasting his time on this instead of showcasing his talent in something worthwhile.


Not only did I have problems understanding the actors throughout the entire movie, I felt that there needed to be more explanation about what was actually happening. Basically, even though I've watched this movie, all I know about this film's plot is what I read on the back of the DVD box:"Busy working parents Mark and Jackie have not been intimate with each other in several months, so when Jackie discovers she is pregnant, it comes as an inexplicable shock to all. Jackie insists she's been faithful, but Mark reacts with rage, knowing the baby can't possibly be his. As the unnerving side effects of Jackie's condition worsen, will this seeming miracle bring the family closer together or tear them apart?"In my opinion, that last question remains unanswered. Did the husband and wife get a divorce? Are they still married? Are they separated? What does the husband, or ex- husband, think of his wife/ex-wife? Inquiring minds want to know.If I'd paid money to see this film, I'd be feeling pretty angry right now. As it is, I rented it for free from my local library so my only regret is that my ears are still ringing due to the fact that I kept having to increase the volume of my television in order to try and understand what the actors were saying. Needless to say, I am very disappointed!

Elle Belle

This movie had potential to be good,but it was extremely difficult to understand the strong accents. There was a lot of mumbling so I didn't even know what was being said in conversations. There is no point watching a movie when half the time you cant understand the actors. I have seen movies with accents before, but these people weren't even talking clearly. I didn't like the ending,it was confusing.Like, was the couple still married? Did the family know about this miracle baby? Did the baby make that dead bird come alive, hinting that the baby had some type of power? Overall,There should have been subtitles or something. I think the lead actress could have played a more emotional role instead of her blank face. It was hard to tell what she was thinking because she was expression-less!


Review: For a low budget English movie, which has seemed to have gone missing under the radar, I really quite enjoyed this emotional drama. Its about a woman who works in a benefit office and she's  keeping her pregnancy secret because she doesn't know who the father is. She hasn't slept with her long time boyfriend for ages and she hasn't had an affair with anyone so she knows that questions will arise, once she tells her boyfriend. Her son can tell that she is pregnant and he is really excited about having a brother or sister. The only problem is that the dates don't add up so her boyfriend (Elba) starts accusing her in front of there young son. The loving mother starts to lose her mind because she doesn't know how she got herself into such a confusing predicament. I loved watching this close family go through there life's with joy and love. The only downside was the immaculate conception, which never gets explained but apart from that, the movies did touch every emotional bone in my body. The acting from the whole cast, especially Elba, was very realistic and the chemistry between the family members was great. It reminded me a lot of my childhood, especially when the grand parents came round for dinner but I was expecting more from the ending. In all, it's definitely worth a watch if your into your deep family dramas but the whole pregnancy thing is still a mystery to me. Enjoyable!Round-Up: Although this movie is based around 3 characters, there is enough material to keep you entertained throughout. Edris Elba put in his usual top class performance and at 42 years of age, he really does seem to be moving up in the movie world. He's had major roles in the Avengers and Thor and with the Jungle Book and another Luther series in the pipeline, his career is definitely going from strength to strength. Nadine Marshall has starred in many TV series like Casualty, The Commander, The Bill and Judge John Deed so she hasn't really got that much experience when it comes to the big screen. She done an excellent job in this movie and she made the film feel extremely realistic with such a delicate subject matter. Its the first major movie from Debbie Tucker Green but she has won a BAFTA for her TV short called Random. This is a very well put together project which is pretty slow in parts but very well written and a joy to watch.I recommend this movie to people who are into their deep dramas about a woman who finds out that she is pregnant but she doesn't know how because the dates of her conception don't add up. 6/10
