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Supernova: The Knight, the Princess, & Shooting Star

Supernova: The Knight, the Princess, & Shooting Star (2014)

December. 11,2014
| Drama Science Fiction

After meeting at a party, two Indonesian students studying in the US embark on a project to create a science fiction epic that will captivate the masses.


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The Actors If I said about the actors, they are all good-looking; exactly the type of actors that can draw the movie-goers nowadays. But, yes, I sensed some troubles here. Despite the looks and the popularity, the actors were almost failed to represent the depth of each character in the film. Some scenes were intense and warm, ultimately the scenes between Ferre and Rana; but some scenes were too awkward and stiff, especially Rana's crying scene and some of Diva's dialogues. The dialogues were mostly like an empty shell, they did not represent the things that has been going on in the film. Some were essential, but could not support the plot because they were just spoken without being understood by the cast. Dee, the writer of the original novel, is characterized by using deep, heavy, philosophical words, and somehow are too stiff to be said in a daily conversation. The flaw is on how little improvisation was done by the casts, they referred too much to the script and sounded like they were memorizing the dialogue. Conversations that happened between Dimas and Rueben were much funnier, they seemingly talked about how they connect their made-up stories with scientific and philosophical theories, but I do not think they actually understand that. Even the simple explanation about science, it sounded like a dreamy thought. As I said, they were just spoken without being understood. When the casts were asked to read the narration, they surprisingly did it well compared to when they had to act it out in front of the camera. And I do not know why. But I saw some improvements of the characters as the story nearly end. For example, I understood how Ferre made peace to his fears, how Arwin finally understand what best in him, it was the best of them. Storyline Supernova: The Knight, The Princess, and The Shooting Star is a definite breakthrough in terms of story line in Indonesia movie Industry, and it somehow brings new light to all Indonesia movie fans. The director is bold enough to play with genres (science fiction and romance) in this movie where seldom others have the mind or courage to do so, and the way it plays through time is also remarkable. However, though the movie daring interpretation, there are still factors that may disappoint viewer with great expectation. Firstly, using science fiction in Indonesia movie is sensational and different, but the director somehow managed to overshadow it with cheesy romance where most audiences are sick of. Moving on, the use of symbolism do showcase the brilliant mind of this production, but this somehow isn't apparent and turn to be a vague concept, leaving viewers confused and unintrigued. Last, all of the philosophical aspect that this movie wishes to deliver remains pretty basic and unweaving, making the movie unable to achieve the sophistication it aims for.cinematography Supernova cinematography compares to the other Indonesian film in that year was extraordinary. They did something new and showing great progress in Indonesian movie industry. In this movie, they can deliver a shot that really explains everything so clearly, support the mood of the scene, the setting, even the emotion of the character itself. Another thing that can be seen on the cinematography is how the shot can explain the setting of the next scene by using extreme wide shot of the city or a place, and I have to say that it was done extraordinarily. But sometimes it was too much and made the scene boring, even few times they failed to emphasize the object they want the audience to focus on. They didn't forget to add some aesthetic in every shot they took, and uses color composition to some scene to either emphasize or delivering a mood of the setting and the scene itself. The management shot itself is great at the beginning, especially on the first appearance of the main character, they made it so epic even their personality can be captured by the audience just by a simple introduction. Besides that, they are really brave doing a long continuous shot when Ruben enters the party and they use a lot of extras (background characters) but still create realistic scene. They too can manipulate simple scene where the character didn't move at all, to being interesting by adding some voice over or a bubble chat from the Supernova website to give the audience something to focus on. But as the movie progress, I thought that they are getting lazy because some scene is getting more simple and mundane. The movie uses animation and CGI that are beyond my expectation. Well made, synchronize well with the scene and didn't look too artificial like the usual animation in Indonesian film. Like the animation of the story "Ksatria, Putri, dan Bintang Jatuh" was extravagant and beautifully made from the intro till the ending of the story. Besides that they can do a massive and crowded CGI but still emphasizing on the character, like the doves that came out from Dimas pillow he falls onto at the party, the doves crowded the screen but Dimas' face is still the center of attention. Although sometimes the crowded CGI is lack variation of its animation, like the doves (again) feels like one looping dove being copied into a thousand doves. But overall, the animation plausible for Indonesian movie.ACTING The acting can't be considered good. They are really stiff and didn't help the scene became more alive. Sometimes, even the actor it self-kills the mood they want to build up. They made it like they memorize word by word than made it look natural. They only win at the face factors. The line at the movie too, very scientific and ordinary audience cannot comprehend it instantly.
