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God's Bloody Acre

God's Bloody Acre (1975)

July. 01,1975
| Drama Horror

Three mountain men live a simple life in a forest, until a construction crew shows up to make a park, and the men are prepared to defend their land and lifestyle by any means necessary.


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God's Bloody Acre was for years one of those OOP's that exploitation fans were searching for. In 2010 it finally had it's official DVD release. Still, it's low on everything but somehow you keep watching this hixploitation. As I stated in the summary it is incorrect in so many places. It's made in an era were free sex was normal and people were cheating on each other the whole time. You can easily spot it here when David is telling his girlfriend he's going for a trip, were he finally meet another girl and is having sex with her. Not only that, there's another part were a girl is being hit by her boyfriend as if that was a normal case back then. It's also the era of not wearing bra's which shows a few time throughout this flick. As for the flick itself it's really slow and doesn't have anything to offer towards the horror were it was filed under. There's almost no blood to spot and when the horror comes in, towards the end of the flick, it's filmed without extra lighting and it's way too dark. A must see is the part were David quit his job. He's somewhere else with his mind and as effect they used echo on the voice. It really becomes weird with that effect and the use of wide angle zoomed in shots made it really weird to watch. You don't watch this for acting but just for the exploitation. It offers some weird shots as one's throat is being slashed just have a look at the girl her eyes, it's the same girl being raped before, watch her tongue while being raped. Weird acting. People collecting exploitation and especially the hixploitation this is a must have. People thinking that this is a classic horror forget it. No gore and almost no blood to spot. The typical breast nudity and the southern accents. Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5


Lookin' for a little mean-spirited 70's Hixploitation? Same here. How about a little mean-spirited 70's Hixploitation which features only the most unlikeable of characters, along with about 0% comic-relief? Well, here it is. The most useful thing Harry Kerwin ever did. Welcome to God's Bloody Acre. Harry Kerwin and his equally useful brother, William (Thomas Wood) have had a hand in the making of everything from Two Thousand Maniacs, to Flesh Feast, to Sometimes Aunt Martha Does Dreamdul Things. The brothers Kerwin are the heart & soul of old school Florida Exploitation. God's Bloody Acre is about three mountain men, or hicks, or whatever the hell. The point is, they're brothers, and they've been livin' out in "God knows where" (the woods) for God knows how long. Livin' in a tee pee, livin' off the land. avoiding any and all human contact. And they're content doing so. All of this is about to change. The brothers are all ornery because a construction company has begun tearing apart their yard, to make way for a camping site. No reason to get mad enough to kill. I mean, it's not like they're gonna be building a mall. But too late. The more enthusiastic one figures now would be a good time to start killing construction workers. Meanwhile, we got a couple other stories that keep popping up. Neither of which are as entertaining, or likable. God's Bloody Acre is a racist, sexist, dysfunctional little gem of a movie, and I'm proud it's a part of my collection. Yet, I'm not surprised it took until 2010 for this one to get the official DVD treatment. But what I didn't expect was for every copy of this film to be recalled shortly after it was released. I have no idea. I'll be honest. There ain't a whole lot to love about this one, but it ain't all that bad, especially if you're not hard to please. And if you're looking for one of the last glimpses of vintage Florida Exploitation, have at it, hoss. 7/10


When a group of developers threaten the land of three backwoods mountain-dwelling brothers Ezra,Benny and Monroe,the homeless rednecks must resort to murder to defend their property.However the trio starts killing not only construction workers,but also camping vacationers...Very enjoyable exploitation trash with nasty drawn out rape scene,rampant misogyny and racist overtones.This low-budgeter is surprisingly tense due to its nasty subject matter.Almost all the characters are despicable,the acting is bad and the gore is amateurish.Still if you enjoyed such redneck terror movies like "Trapped" or "Hunter's Blood" you can't go wrong with "God's Bloody Acre".I'm really surprised that this film didn't achieved cult status yet.


A trio of separatist hillbillies mobilize to halt the development of a campsite in their deep-woods homestead. What begins as a harmless scheme to scare people away quickly turns deadly.There's little question that GOD'S BLOODY ACRE is a product of loose-change funding and a three-day-weekend shooting schedule. Despite the transparencies of an indifferently overseen production, however, there's good potential for shameful gratification in this frowzy little regional outgrowth. The first half hour is a razor-to-wrist bore, but if you can get past that, the story does eventually grease the wheels and keep a steady beat(putting forward one of the most drawn-out, strangely choreographed fight scenes I've ever witnessed).This is a lazy concoction from folks who have done far better work(see: SOMETIMES AUNT MARTHA DOES DREADFUL THINGS), but it does have a certain something...just not a whole lot of it.5/10
