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Faith Like Potatoes

Faith Like Potatoes (2006)

October. 27,2006
| Drama

Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal,South Africa.


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Wow what a great movie, it pulls on the heart strings and shows what can happen with some faith The acting was real, the acting was great the story was so so good and real, there i said it again So many movies out there have these happy endings and what not but this movie showed real like and heart ache.I can really relate with the main guy because i struggle with anger at times and it is cool to see it for real in a movie! They did a good job on the area they picked for the film. I like that there were a lot of struggles but he kept trying I think you should really watch this movie Enjoy!


I want to strongly recommend this movie.Yesterday, I took this movie over to view with my ailing mother, who recently accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. I believe the Lord led me to find this movie, as I never even heard of it before, but was captured by the title. We were both deeply touched and moved, at times with tears, while watching this movie. It has a strong evangelical, Christ centered messaged based on the true story of Angus Buchan, a farmer who started Shalom Ministries in South Africa.It shows how God can use anyone who is surrendered to Him! You can find more information on Angus and his ministry online.Terilyn


I was fortunate to get this film as a present on DVD. And wow, what a movie. Frank Rautenbagh's acting as Angus is wonderful, while Jean Wilhelm's performance is a little weak, however, this could be due to the writing of the character in the script - perhaps not having enough room for development. Sean Cameron Michael as Fergus, Angus' brother, who's little son is killed in a tragic accident, is just brilliant. His performance is one of the most moving portrayals I've seen on the big screen in a long time. An excellent move on behalf of the producers to get him on board on the project. Van den Bergh's cinematography is breath taking - awesome locations, while the music too fits perfectly. There could have perhaps been more character development in the relationship between Angus and Fergus, however, I suppose due to time constraints this may have been cut. Well worth a watch.

Ina Grobler

What a wonderful, heartwarming movie. The characters are genuine and can be identified with. It is an inspirational story leaving one with hope and faith. It does not matter what hardship you are facing, or how impossible a situation looks, if you have faith you will get through it. This does not mean that there will be no pain, in fact the pain is very real and dealing with it is extremely difficult, but not impossible.Our Father God is great and the message of the movie emphasis es that, without forcing it down anyone's throat. Exceptionally well-done Regardt van den Bergh and your cast. I saw the movie 3 times, and will see it again. May God bless everyone involved with the movie, as well as the real Buchan family. I trust that each and every South African will see this movie. If we can all master Angus Buchan's faith and attitude, we will at last see God's peace in South Africa.
