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Cold Heart Canyon

Cold Heart Canyon (2008)

July. 01,2008
| Drama Thriller Mystery Romance

In L.A.'s Laurel Canyon, Karen has a dream that her sister Heather is in danger, but Heather seems safe enough, having just moved to a remote spur of the canyon to distance herself from her ex-husband. She's a writer, and she's soon met several men - Marcus, who helps her the day she moves in, neighbors Daniel and Marisa for whom she cooks dinner, and Michael her landlord who cleans her pool weekly. Daniel warns her away from Marcus even as he makes a play for her and invites her to participate in sexual escapades - some enjoyable, some not. Then it becomes clear that Karen's anxiety dream was prescient. Who can Heather trust, and does she figure it out too late?


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David Motolo

Like the dude from Sweden wrote. I rented Cold Heart Canyon to watch with the GF. Thought it was going to be a movie that was a thriller with nudity. Nada on that. It failed at being a soft-core erotic movie or even D list thriller. All I can think is that the mind that made this movie was dazed and confused about what they wanted this movie to be. It was way obvious while watching this disjointed plot try to be interesting. It was so bad. There were no sexy parts. The plot was a joke. The lead star was not hot at all. I thought a rule when making thrillers was your main star should have sex appeal. Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. Gina Gershon in Bound. Denise Richards in Wild Things. No sizzle only fizzle here. Not worth watching. Big pass on Cold Heart Canyon.


Cold Heart Canyon is a poor mans poor man erotic thriller. I would not even comment if it was not so crappy of a movie. Lead actress was not hot in any way then she did not have any hot parts. Doggone it if you're going to make a soft core erotic thriller it needs playboy type nudity. You betcha. Those that look for these types of movies expect trade offs. A bad soft erotic movie that rembers to show some skin in return gets a pass. A bad soft erotic movie with nothing gets tossed in to a fire. Nothing about this movie was half way watchable. hugh Hefner & Larry flynt would kick ass on any one that put this out. Wild Things with Matt Dillon & Denise Richards in a single part was worth 10 fold of these crap.

h g

I rented this from the vending machine I thought it was some cool independent movie in the vein of Poison Ivy, but the very 1st scene looked like a made for TV movie. I couldn't stop looking at the bags under the lead actreses's eyes she looks 50 but she is playing younger.This movie is nothing but soft core porn minus the porn. The one scene that shows nudity, again you'll be too busy looking at the weird un-sexy lip movement of the actress to notice. The only reason I continued to watch it was because the lead male reminds me of someone I know. Then there is the plot twist, the actor that is suppose to be obsessed with the lead actress comes across as gay, so it is totally unbelievable. This is not a professional cool independent film it is more like former porn industry people trying to go legit.I forgot to add the scenes where they re-used footage seemed to last forever even if you speed it up on your DVD player. There are a lot of bloopers too, like the pills she puts in the wine she drops a big capsule by mistake and when he picks it up you see the big capsule but he doesn't? They obviously stole this from Misery so no big spoiler here. Then when she is captured she is wearing jeans but when she escapes she is wearing shorts. If you like to make fun of movies then rent it.


This movie is boring. A lot of the scenes could have been eliminated because they just didn't add to the element of the movie.There were far too many pointless, long scenes of driving along the twisting canyon roads that failed to reinforce the plot. Instead, they just made me want to get up and fix myself a snack until the story started again.The flashback scenes were totally confusing. Were they edited out of place? It sure seemed like it and failed to reinforce the main plot line.There were some nice eye candy scenes in the form of gratuitous nudity which probably saved this movie from being a total washout.I get the impression that this made-for-TV flick was padded with these extra scenes in order to tack on an extra half hour to classify it as a major picture release instead of an hour long feature meant for the small screen.It didn't work and instead ended up with a direct transition from the cutting floor to DVD.Don't pay for this if you don't have to .
