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The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure

The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2012)

August. 29,2012
| Adventure Fantasy Family

It's Schluufy's birthday, and the Oogieloves (Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie), along with their friends J. Edgar, Windy Window and Ruffy, are organizing a party. (Shh! It's a secret.) Everything is going along just perfectly until J. Edgar trips and loses the last five magical balloons in all of Lovelyloveville--OH NO! The Oogiloves set out to find the magical balloons in time to save their friend's party. Along the way, they meet some very interesting characters indeed, including Dotty Rounder (Cloris Leachman), Bobby Wobbly (Carey Elwes), Milky Marvin (Chazz Palminteri), Rosalie Rosebud (Toni Braxton) and Lola and Lero Sombero (Christopher Lloyd and Jaime Pressly). Can these new friends help them recover the magical balloons and get back to the cottage in time to celebrate Schluufy's surprise birthday?


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This movie really is a shining example of what makes a good kids movie. Wished people liked at as much as I did because I shed many tears my sister (who is 3 by the way) did not enjoy this and threw a massive tantrum saying how boring it was however I and my 23 year old brother shed many manly tears I loved goofie toofie and the other one and don't wanna watch it again cause it was quite lol :)


I don't know where to begin with this movie. I just don't. As a critic, I try to watch every movie I come across. As a critic, I don't discriminate films based on the target age demographic. As a critic, I only discriminate between good and bad movies. As a critic, I have seen the best and the worst in film. And what I have seen is the one the worst. The Oogieloves. I complain about movies like this all the time, and I get the same answer from almost everyone, "It's just for kids." No. That is not a legitimate excuse. I hear it all the time and I dismiss it every time. Just because something is for kids doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make it good. Let me point out the first problem with this movie. The Oogieloves are annoying as hell. They never shut up. They are always talking and jumping around. Loud and random is not funny. Second, the plot is just plain stupid. The Oogieloves go all over a sea of unfunny jokes and pointless celebrity cameos just to find a bunch of balloons that their idiot friend lost. The director of the movie was nominated for an Oscar for best documentary. Life is stupid. And finally, the movie is just awful. Simple as that. This movie is so bad that I found myself screaming at my TV, but not to help the Oogieloves. I was screaming for help. Why was this movie made? Why did Matthew Diamond direct this? Why does this movie have so many talented stars embarrassing themselves in front their fans? Why is this movie rated 6.5 on IMDb? Why? When I saw the poster for this, I thought it was some stupid, brainless CGI-animated kids film. Turns out to be a stupid, brainless live-action kids film with a bunch of people in radioactive Cabbage Patch Kids costumes with a Dora-type fourth wall break, which is somehow even worse than what I pictured. If I had kids, I wouldn't show this movie to them. If I was teaching film, I wouldn't even show this to a bunch of college kids to study what is wrong with kids entertainment. Just avoid this movie at all costs. There are better kids movies out there.


If they don't have to try, why on earth should I try?Brief notes:The sets look and feel like an enlarged preschool playpen. It didn't look the least bit natural, engaging, or inviting.The sing-a-long sections really didn't work for me. The film was so robotic that no energy could have possibly been transferred to it's audience.The script is the most lifeless, "I am a functioning product" of 2012.The costumes are so stiff and stilted that I felt bad for the actors for the entire length of the filmThe shot linger for uncomfortable amount of time. This isn't a one time thing either, this is like every sceneThis movie is bad. This movie is awful. This movie is atrocious. This movie is stupid. This movie is insulting. This movie is damaging to my psyche. This movie is lazy as sin. This movie is a sin. This movie is other synonyms for bad such as the ones I'm about to mention. This movie is defective. This movie is horrendous. This movie is undesirable. This movie is putrid. This movie is decayed? This movie is depraved of anything resembling quality.Christopher Lloyd is boring in this movie. Frankly, I'm impressed.This movie is worthless. This movie is naughty, naughty, naughty. This movie is a disaster. This movie is trash. This movie is garbage. This movie is rubbish. This movie is nothing. This movie is a sniveling piece of annoying dangling snot that when you try to rub it off, it just sticks to the side of your face. This movie is ugly. This movie is condescending. This movie is demeaning. This movie is MADE BY PEOPLE WHO HAVE CREATED SEPARATE ACCOUNTS TO INCREASE THE RATINGS. AT ONE POINT, THIS FILM WAS WELL OVER AN 8 BECAUSE OF IT. THINK ABOUT THAT. This movie is annoying. This movie is tedious. This movie is a little grating after a while, to be frank. This movie is a stinky piggy. This movie is terrifying. This movie is lame. This movie is unpleasant. This movie is repulsive. This movie is revolting. This movie is inspiring.If these people can make a feature length, wide release film, then maybe one day I can to.This movie is insane. This movie is inane. This movie is incapable to function. This movie is boring. This movie is abhorrent. This movie is disgusting. This movie is despicable. This movie is disposable. This movie is irritating. This movie is ludicrous. This movie is insufferable. This movie is pretentious by the sheer fact that it thinks it is allowed to exist. This movie is a stain. This movie is pathetic. This movie is death. This movie is a scam.Overall, I wouldn't recommend it. If you are in need of a family film for movie night, here are some suggestions for better options:Mad Max: Beyond ThunderdomeAnything else.


This movie was delayed for four years because someone on the cast wanted to patent the prompting for the children to dance (Something not even Dora The Explorer sank to) with actors in what looks to be rejects for Teletubbies given hair and clothes. This movie was so bland that I think the entire audience slept through half the movie.The basic plot is that someone is having a party, but all of five balloons (talking balloons, mind you) have flown away. Seems like an alright plot for a kid's movie, but no. They somehow managed to screw up a basic plot, and I'll tell you how; The formula consists of the main "Characters" going to someplace with a celebrity cameo, they sing two """"songs"""", and they get a balloon, and this happens five times in totalThe special effects are at best achieved with the balloons talking, which is okay, but the greenscreen is just atrocious: I could literally make a better greenscreen effect in my roomThey actually set a record for lowest gross for a movie playing in 2,000+ theaters, which is really saying something for an innocent movie like this; Overall, I'd give this movie a -10/10 if I could, and I suggest that if you bought this, then you throw it in the nearest trash disposal unit or fire to properly dispose of it.
