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Saturday's Warrior

Saturday's Warrior (1989)

January. 01,1989
| Drama Family

An ordinary LDS family has a teenager named Jimmy and he wonders about life and what is coming. Jimmy's sister Julie has a boyfriend on a mission who she plans to marry when he gets home. Jimmy's twin sister Pam is handicapped and is confined to a wheelchair and wants to make things good for Jimmy. Jimmy doesn't seem to care about his large family and wants to do his own things. When Jimmy hears his mother is going to have another child, Jimmy is filled with anger and leaves. His family wants Jimmy to return and love him, but Jimmy does not want their love.


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People who aren't members of the LDS church will most likely not like this movie. People who are members of the LDS will quite possibly not like this movie either. In fact, the only people I know who do like this movie (and this includes me) are those who grew up watching it on Sunday afternoons and for whom it triggers a trip down memory lane and possibly some enthusiastic sing-alongs.For those who didn't grow up on this movie, Saturday's Warrior has little to offer: mediocre acting, low production values, and a somewhat skewed view of LDS doctrine. (I know I'm not the only LDS girl who spent a lot of early childhood thinking, because of this movie, that someday I would meet the man I was supposed to marry and promptly receive divine affirmation that we had known each other in the pre-existence. That, however, is what we call "false doctrine.") The movie does have a few things going for it, however, including a sincere (if cornily delivered) message about the importance of family and of the choices we make, and some surprisingly catchy and/or compelling musical numbers with strong vocal performances.The bottom line: if you're LDS, it might be worth a viewing, just to see what everyone's talking about—but take it with a grain of salt. If you're not LDS . . . maybe a whole salt lick? But whoever you are, if you do watch it, invite me over so I can sing along.


I've seen this movie numerous times over the years and own the DVD.It shows the LDS beliefs in simplistic way which can be easier for some people as it can be so very different to traditional faiths. The idea of being a family from the pre-existence through to the after-life is so appealing and is shown beautifully in this movie.Also the idea that even though we have flaws in our characters, family life is so important and family can help us through anything.It shows that love conquers all things and even if we choose to go our own way, Our family will still want us back.This might be idealistic but it seems such a wonderful way to live.Yes, it's a little outdated in costume etc but it's more than 20 years on from it's conception. The story it tells is ageless.


I've watched this movie since I was little and I love it. The main character Jimmy faces problems lots of us face today. He is struggling to know who he is and where he belongs. He hangs with his "cool" friends who make fun of his big family and are just a really bad influence.Hes to the point where he is losing his faith and feeling lost. But his family never gives up on him. They love him and want him to be happy. The songs are very meaningful and touch right to the heart. this movie will make you laugh and cry and then laugh again. Its not just for mormons, anyone who believes in God would appreciate this movie.


My kids definitely don't consider this their favorite movie, but they do enjoy watching it. It has always sparked in them the desire to think and dream of what more there is to this life than just getting up, going to work and then going to bed.It has sparked some very good questions about religious issues and the meaning of the title. I'm surprised how much they know just from watching this movie. I'd say that this movie has some good songs, but a few are downright boring. I own the CD too and I burned only the good songs to a CD for my daughters because they couldn't stand the others.My final comment is that if you are tired of your kids hearing about E.D., sex, herpes, sex, erections, sex, STDs, sex, Cialis, sex, sex, and sex during commercials and TV shows, this is a great movie regardless of your religion. I mean, I even have to mute the commercials in the middle of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition because I don't want my kids hearing, "If you have an erection for longer than 4 hrs. . . ". It seems that nobody stands up for decency any more. We just sit by cowardly and act as if it's no big deal.
