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T.D. Dasan Std. VI B

T.D. Dasan Std. VI B (2010)

April. 09,2010
| Family

The story of a mother and a son in a village. Chndrika, the mother, and Dasan is her son who is eleven years old. Chandrika's husband Divakaran had deserted her and her son, when Dasan was merely an year old. Ever since Chandrika had lost contact with her husband, and had over the years learned to fend for herself and her son. Dasan on the other hand, is never able to stop dreaming about his father. So, when he accidentally comes across Divakaran's address in Chandrika's cloth box, Dasan writes a letter to his father, without letting his mother know about it. Does the letter reach Divakaran?


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Tejas Nair

The story took me by surprise. The authenticity, the theme, the poignancy - everything is so charming, I was kept mesmerized throughout till fifteen minutes before it ended.With a fine cast, it talks about how a sixth-grader tries to contact his long-lost father through letters. These letters fall in hand of a daughter of a film-maker and replies. How this epistolary scenes of drama turns into a heart-rending plot is handled carefully till the climax. Biju Menon, the filmmaker tries to adapt this story.With a calm way of story-telling, the makers have succeeded. Except I still cannot digest the turn of events towards the end, the film , as a whole, is very good.BOTTOM LINE: Recommended! The boy's performance is a surprise package.


There is not much to say when you come across a cinema like T.D.Dasan. All we can do is sit there and experience something special, outwardly being created as the frames go by.It stands tall alone above the rest above everything ever created so far in Malayalam cinema. Well like every movie, it has a beginning, a story, and an ending. its not much different when we look at it that way. there is hardly any difference. The difference comes when the story unfolds and unfolds how, into one of the finest narratives i have come across not only in Malayalam but overall and through a fresh, vibrant and compelling screenplay which is alien to the unfortunate local souls who are being fed trash year after year. Mohan Raghavan , a post-graduate in Theatre Arts from the Madurai Kamaraj University, who lived to tell this story to the world bid farewell following a cardiac arrest on 25 October, 2007. This was his debut movie and his only movie. Despite all his struggles financially as a film maker he never compromised the quality of his work and it showed in this masterpiece of his. It seemed each and every scene came directly from his heart with a warmth and divinity which is missing in the films of todays. The cast all of whom who did a splendid job essaying the down to earth and normal characters which we can find easily around us. The world through the eyes of two young children, is portrayed with such fine finesse and genuinity that the film never looses its grip, not even once along the 98 minute running time.The soul stirring background score by Sreevalsan J. Menon couldn't have been much better and breath taking than this. In a few scenes we, the audience can actually feel the pain and he emotion the characters undergo. In the end what we get is a movie that we cannot resist to love and carry with us in the mind forever as we return with wet eyes. 10 on 10 is the least i can give for such a brilliant movie.

Britton Britt

A great accomplishment of a debut director. He is already counted as a genius with a single work alone. A single theme bares a hundred fold. The storyline is so simple but the simplicity is interlaced with a great many stories. The very start and climax of the film with that Palakadan Myth, its really thought provoking. The Palm trees, they see everything and they've got more stories to tell. Perhaps, lets put it even as God the one above, who knows everything and everyone. Well, the film is so good indeed. But, somehow, it misses a thing to touch our mind. Not an issue, in total it's a real piece of work. Hat off to this great man, the director. My tribute to this legend.

Nirmal John

"T D DASAN STD 6 B". Such a nice debut movie from the director Mohan Raghav which makes aware of the biggies ' When a film is called an "Art" ', deviating a lot from the stereotypic Malayalam parallel cinema....I have never enjoyed such a good mindset for long time even when i listen to my favorite 'Cinema Paradiso Love theme'....nice soothing effect......Without any hesitation I would say it is the best film Malayalam film industry has produced over the past 15 years...In short, Simpler but the finest...With minimal instruments being used,its background score is the finest ( in the sense most appropriate) among the Malayalam movies reminding me some of the beautifully crafted Western Background scores like Cinema Paradiso,Schindlers list, Malena…….I intended to see two movies at a stretch at the Film Festival but this beautiful movie forced me to refrain from that thought as I want this movie to be there in my Sweet Holiday memories at least for a few days............ The film takes me back to 1980's film "Onnu Muthal Poojyam Vare" being its precursor.....but much more than that going through some innocent souls....Moreover I am a little selfish about this movie since I am one of the few people who saw it in theaters and have a feeling of 'my own'….It cant have a much better climax…and the funniest thing is that this movie itself tells us how such a beautiful theme could have been made a rubbish if it is handled by others through a story inside the story...... On the whole the Film reminds me the fact, "THE BEST THINGS ALWAYS COME IN SHORT PACKAGES"
