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Vampire Diary

Vampire Diary (2007)

June. 16,2007
| Fantasy Drama Horror

Whilst making a documentary, filmmaker Holly meets the highly enigmatic and beautiful Vicki who claims she is a real-life vampire.


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Vampire Diary is a great movie considering what it is--the story of a group of 'weekend vampires' and a woman with a habit of recording everything who meet a female vampire by pure chance. Prepare for an unexpected love quadrangle, some interesting lore on vampires, and great use of found footage.My only complaint lies in a scene towards the end during which one of the weekend vampires' lines were corny (writing) and poorly delivered (acting, directing).One thing I especially like about Vampire Diary is that the first thirty minutes make a wonderful short story. I almost wished it ended at the water scene simply because of how great the movie was by that point. So, there you go. Give the first thirty minutes a shot. If you find yourself caring about the characters or interested in seeing what happens next, continue on for the remaining hour.


Holly is doing a low-budget documentary about the Goth scene in London, UK, and in particular about faux vampires. She meets Vicki, who claims to be a supernatural being, a 'real' vampire.On that note, is Vicki just another Goth cosplay enthusiast? If so, this looks like a psychological drama, not horror. If not, then how much of reality are we expected to ignore to embrace the film?Someone (who else...) kills Eddie early on. Holly and Vicki record the reactions to his death by substantial exsanguination.Holly and Vicki start their lesbian relationship, which is, not surprisingly, neither believable nor interesting nor titillating. It is, however, out of focus, out of frame, low on contrast, low on color saturation. It is rather emblematic of the film as a whole: dreary and non-engaging.Brad disappears from the Goth scene; some weak indicators point to Vicki. Vicki shows Holly a tape of her killing Brad. Holly helps Vicki with the problem.The discussion of what 'real' vampires are like was boring, over long, and not believable.Holly tries to find a way for Vicki to survive without killing people. Surprise. This fails.Vicki came to Holly already pregnant by a male vampire. The gestation and the police investigation consume the rest of the film.------Scores------Cinematography: 0/10 Hand-held badness in the style of Blair Witch. Almost everything that can be done wrong with a video camera was done in this film. The dueling feeds from two different very-low-quality hand-held cameras (Holly's and Vicki's) was amusing for a good 8 or 9 seconds. After that, it was just one more constant nuisance in this train wreck.Sound: 4/10 Mixed bag. Sometimes in sync with visuals, other times not. Horrid incidental music.Acting: 4/10 Not too bad on the face of it. Actors hit their marks and read their lines. Still, nothing is memorable about it because no actors were engaging. This is more about delusional idiots posturing for one another, not about character motivation, or exposition of why certain events happened.Screenplay: 2/10 Twenty minutes of plot stretched out to 89 minutes. This film has the indie look of keeping whatever footage is recorded, then putting it together in post. A lot of the footage (particularly at club scenes and some party scenes) does nothing to advance the narrative and does nothing toward explaining character actions.

Jessica Dach

This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. First of all It' as about a lesbian vampire. That alone turns me off to watching it. I haven't even seen the entire thing but I can tell you that it's in documentary real video form. This vampire gets pregnant because she gets raped. First of all Vampires are supposed to be non living beings...they aren't supposed to be able to conceive. The acting is terrible and the actresses are so ugly I can barely stand to look at them. Any person who calls this film "brilliant" has issues. Don't waste your time. You will be terribly disappointed. I truly feel sorry for anyone who has had the misfortune to have watched this movie.


This film should be very average, it is massively derivative and amateurish - BUT it is in fact excellent as both a Vampire horror and as a Lesbian romance. The rawness of the direction is in fact a huge plus and combines Jose Ramon Larraz's 'Vampyres' and 'The Blair Witch Project' transposed to an urban setting. The conceit of using the documentary-making format is trotted out again so that amateur acting can be passed off as realism. And yet - the energy and enthusiasm of cast and crew carry the film along to its satisfying conclusion. One can only hope that when or if this gets a release in the USA it is not censored out of existence.
