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Celia (1989)

May. 18,1989
| Fantasy Horror

An imaginative and somewhat disturbed young girl fantasizes about evil creatures and other oddities to mask her insecurities while growing up in rural Australia.


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Johan Louwet

Story in short. Celia Carmichael lives with her parents in a small village in Australia during the fifties. It starts sad as her grandmother dies with who she had a close bond (shown in a few flashbacks). She finds comfort with their new neighbours: a family with 3 kids and in a cute rabbit which she gets as birthday present. However several conflicts arise as her father doesn't want her to play with the neighbour's kids any more as their parents are communists. Because of a rabbit plague the police is also trying to confiscate the rabbits of all rabbit owners. Last but not least Celia and her friends are in a feud with some classmates lead by Stephanie Burke daughter of the local police officer.Why is Celia such an interesting character? Well the director(and actress) does a hell of a job showing how versatile Celia as lead actually is. She can be a pretty bad girl when things don't go her way even though she is not the girl to pull pranks on others. She only acts with a certain revenge when she feels they did her or her friends injustice. On the other hand she also shows a very caring side in her scenes with her pet rabbit, how she stands up for her neighbours. And not to forget like every child she has fears which are cleverly shaped by some creepy muddy monsters, gotten from a story the school teacher read to the kids before the holidays started. No those monsters are not the real horror elements they exist only in her dreams and imagination. But the more disappointments she endures the more real they seem to become for her.The real horror elements are shown in a few strong scenes which left quite some impression on me. I'm not going to give them away, without any gore or violence involved they struck me quite hard. It eventually leads to Celia doing a terrible thing and despite it was wrong I just couldn't condemn her. In the end only her best friend Heather was witness of Celia's crime even though I had the feeling her mother also found out.


This strange little movie from the land Down Under is really two movies, one of which definitely works, but the other not so much. On one hand, it is a fairly realistic portrait of rural Australia in the 1950's that was dealing with both a plague of rabbits and of Communists. In retrospect, the wild rabbits had a far better chance of over-running conservative Australia than the commies, but the wars on both these "plagues" were somewhat similar in that, as well-intentioned as they may have been, a lot of innocents were caught in the crossfire. "Celia", the young heroine of this film, for instance, has recently lost her Communist grandmother and loses her only friends due to their parents ties to the Australian CP. The fateful blow,however, comes when she loses her beloved pet rabbit "Murgatroyd" to the authorities."Celia" is portrayed as having a rich fantasy life that leaves her disturbed and even dangerously disconnected from reality (not unlike the two young girls in the later Peter Jackson kiwi film "Heavenly Creatures"). However, the movie does not focus on this dark fantasy aspect nearly enough, and "Celia" is portrayed as a rather ordinary and, moreover, very sympathetic young girl, which makes the one scene of real-life violence that occurs (actually, it is left a little ambiguous) not very believable. It also doesn't help, as others have said, that in America they seized on the under-developed and unbelievable aspects by trying to market this as a horror movie. This is not quite as good as Peter Weir's famous Aussie film "Picnic at Hanging Rock", but like that movie it has been mis-categorized as a horror movie, and no doubt will disappoint fans of gory, visceral horror, while scaring away a lot of the foreign/art-film enthusiasts that might enjoy it. I actually like both horror and art films, but this is definitely mostly the latter. It would make a good double bill with "Picnic" or "Heavenly Creatures"--or, even better, the weird 1970's indie American film "The Orphan".It is definitely very well made and the acting is excellent, especially the young Rebecca Smart (child actors in Commonwealth always seem to be far, far better actors than the cloying, "adorable" moppets Hollywood always insists on casting in their saccharine kiddie crap). Check it out if you get a chance.


It is with a heavy heart that I note Celia, possibly my favourite film, is now being marketed with a tacky subtitle. This film is comparable to Jane Campion's work and is anything but a straight horror film, with a subtle characterisation and a compassionate yet unsentimental picture of childhood not generally associated with that genre. The narrative viewpoint is well sustained, with the grownup world of barbecues, blacklists, and affairs observed from a child's angle. The horror in question is in Celia's imagination, which, like that of all children, plays out the stresses of her own family and her culture. Various plagues - literal and metaphoric - impinge on her world, from myxomatosis to communism. Fans of blood and gore will be disappointed. The film is an unhurried portrait of 50s Australia, the pressure to conform, childhood, death. Its climax is sharp and bloody but logical; as is the lightness of the ending. As a touchstone, think of the daughter in the Piano, with her outrageous storybook lies, her spontaneity, her hurt rebellion, and her ultimate childishness. Just don't think Carrie. This is gem of a film, and let's face it, Hollywood churns out a lot of disappointing ones. As soon as you see the opening titles with Rebecca Smart's expressive face glancing all around her, while the theme music plays, you'll realise you're in the hands of a very talented director.


As far as I can see, "Celia" is a complex movie about childhood that lacks something. It fails to make the viewer understand the way the heroine feels and thinks. The heroine is Celia, a young girl who grows up in Australia in the 1950s.I must mention that I was way disappointed by the contents of the movie. If only because the plot summaries I read about it in diverse magazines turned out pretty wrong. They were like: "9-year-old Celia has no playmates except for her rabbit. When a policeman takes away the rabbit from her, she vows revenge." Alright, but that's not the gist of it. Celia is not an isolated or lonely little girl, first of all, she's rather horrifyingly lively. She does have playmates, three neighbour kids whose parents are communists. Celia actually spends more time with these kids and with their mother than she does with her own parents. Moreover, many scenes deal only with these children's play. Most of the time they play in some desert landscape, which seems kind of grotesque, where there is caves and rocks and sand - but hardly any people or animals. Grotesque - that's what the movie appears to be like. We have these two parties of kids: The children of the communists and the "communist haters" and they fight a rather serious battle. And we have that crazy idea of the government that rabbits were pests. I don't object to "grotesque" stories, but a certain deal of irony is required to make them enjoyable - this movie lacks irony.Still we get a good impression of how complex the worlds children make up of their fantasy really are. We also learn how adults don't have any idea about the thoughts children have, about the crazy wars they deliver, about the friendship or the hate they feel. As this movie is seen through the eyes of a child, of course the adult's "play", i.e. the hate towards communists, is not dealt with very openly.That wouldn't matter, if we were really offered the opportunity to identify with the child. But here the movie lacks care and empathy, we don't get close enough to little Celia - played by Rebecca Smart. This young actress doesn't do a bad job, that's for sure, but she isn't outstanding either. She's working about on the same level as the whole movie is.I'll vote "6" for "slightly above mediocre", v e r y slightly, honestly.
