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When Night Falls

When Night Falls (2007)

September. 20,2007
| Horror Thriller

A thriller set in 1932 about two nurses trapped in a country mansion with their invalid patient whilst a killer is on the loose. A series of unexplainable events start to occur and the nurses begin to wonder if they are no longer alone.


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Having read the other reviews, I decided to give this film a try....big mistake on my part. I have seen other low budget films that were quite enjoyable but I have to say this one was pretty bad. The acting was fairly wooden, I didn't check to see if the actors have been in other movies or not, but based on what I saw, I doubt it. The "action" sequence was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen, it looked so fake that even though the movie was almost over, I had to hold myself back from turning it off. I think I have an idea of what the director was trying to do, but he shouldn't try a genre like this until he has more experience under his belt, Alfred Hitchcock he is not. The premise was alright, but the director failed to inspire the actors at all. I still have to say, one of the best low budget horror movies I have seen to date is the Blair Witch Project. I would suggest you re-watch that rather than this.


Effective period thriller set in New Zealand about a killer on the loose murdering young nurses in the community.After murdering three unfortunate women the murderer zeros in on young Nurse Louise Williams, who is caring for a patient in his estate outside of town. But we don't know who the killer is! From the very beginning, the suspense begins to build, while at the same time Louise's character immediately attracts and holds our concern and sympathy. The combination works very well, and while you're never sure what else is going on, or which of the other characters can be trusted, you know that Louise is in danger and that you care about her.Some of the plot developments probably are somewhat implausible, but the story and atmosphere are crafted so effectively that you never notice while watching.Anyone who enjoys classic thrillers should make sure to see "When Night Falls".


Rented this out last week, and was pleasantly surprised.I'm a big fan of classic mysteries and old school thrillers which this film most definitely is. Because it is so deliberately old fashioned in its style and look I think it will be a film that will really divide people.Set in 1932 New Zealand, it has some really good atmosphere and scares.Considering the tiny budget the film was made for, I think the director Galvin did a good job. Particularly as he says in the commentary track that it was filmed in just ten days. Was also impressed that the awesome looking house that the film is set in is actually a composite of 8 different houses! It really does look like one house.The disappointments for me was that the ending didn't live up to all the build up and I thought there was too much music in the film. Less music can often be more effective! So my advice, if you like a good old fashioned thriller, definitely check it out. If you're a Rob Zombie slasher fan, avoid.


This film was a really pleasant surprise.An edgy, scary little thriller that left me a lot more scared than heaps of other horrors I've seen. It's definitely the best NZ film I've seen in a long time.Set in 1930s New Zealand, it starts out as quite a simple period drama about two nurses looking after a patient at his country home. But it becomes more dark and scary as it goes along, when we begin to realise that someone may be playing some very nasty psychological games on them.My only small criticism is that the film did take a while to get going. But once the scares start, they really keep on coming!! Definitely worth a look if you like getting the chills!
