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Kibakichi (2004)

February. 07,2004
| Horror

A werewolf samurai walks the countryside, finding himself in the middle of a village of monsters who feed on human flesh.


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Unlike some of the other reviews, this is for the subtitled version of KIBAKICHI--not the dubbed version. In practically every case, I prefer subtitled though I really don't know how well the dubbing was.This is a very weird film for Western audiences and one that probably won't appeal to the average person. The story itself seems strongly inspired by Japanese manga or anime, as so many of the story elements seem identical or similar to those in popular Japanese stories and cartoons (most notably, the very popular INUYASHA). Like INUYASHA, many of the characters are animal spirits in human form and some of them love the taste of human flesh. However, the story is a bit weirder and is full of odd anachronisms. Though the story appears to be set sometime before Japan modernized in the Meiji period (by the dress and feudalism), some of the characters sport modern leather clothes, use Gatling guns and throw very modern-looking grenades!! Trying to make sense of this as well as some of the odd action in the film is probably more trouble than it's worth--it's best to not question and just watch.The title character, Kibakichi, is one of these animals in human form, though for almost the entire movie he is in human form. However, towards the very bloody ending, he reveals himself to be a werewolf. Other characters, for example, are spiders in human form and love the taste of human flesh. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of prejudice towards these creatures and the film appears to make you feel sorry for them and see them as basically good--but they WERE eating people!! This makes it very hard to really care about the wicked humans or the nice but dietary challenged animals in human form.As I said before, this is a movie best viewed with your brain turned off and your eyes wide open to take in all the sword play and action. I thought it was generally pretty well done despite all the silly and cheesy elements, but I do have a higher than normal tolerance for the weird. For lovers of Japanese cinema, fantasy and anime, this is probably an excellent film to watch. For others, it will probably confuse you or make you laugh.By the way, while you see a lot or arms and head hacked off and they are often accompanied by geyser-like sprays of blood, I found these scenes not the least bit scary or gross. They seemed more like the Black Knight scene from MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. However, with this violence and a brief glimpse of a woman's breasts, parents might want to think twice about letting Junior see this one.


Kibakichi is a werewolf/samurai who has left his destroyed village and ventured into a dangerous village filled creatures, danger and secrets... "A long time ago human and monsters named yokai lived in perfect harmony... but as time went by humans forgot their fears.. and in the fourth year...the government assembled a team to exterminate the yokai.. the weakened yokai escaped, deep into the mountains to escape contact with the human world.. some disguised themselves as women and men to hide.." From the very beginning of this movie you will get a sense of its low budget, and mediocre acting. But for the anime fan, you will almost immediately feel like this is a movie that would be incredible as an anime.. in the first scene you encounter a pretty cheesy fight scene...but the shot of the grass fields and the blood dripping from Kibakichi's sword screamed an anime shot to me! There are plenty more moments in this movie where you will find yourself wanting to giggle at the cheesy shots... But as the movie goes along, I couldn't help but find myself strangely attracted to it. There are some beautiful shots in this film, and an entertaining plot. I found the storyline very unique, and the characters intriguing. It was a fun ride from beginning to end for anyone with a taste for indy-anime-Japanese film lovers.


I found this movie pretty cool! Indeed the effects aren't like in the matrix, but hey, we don't all have millions to spend on effects.The plot is simple: Kibakishi is a samurai/werewolf who wanders around. And some day arrives in a village that is different from others and starts playing a good game of dice at the "casino". The story takes place in Japan of course, (I don't know the time it takes place, but ballistic guns are a new concept, so maybe in the 1900s, about the same time as in the movie The Last samurai).So like I said the effects aren't hardcore, but they are well done, and the blood spilling effects make you think of Kill Bill, haha. The actors are marvelous, they really help you immerse in this fantastic world. Even though the movies isn't as appealing as a Hollywood big cash blockbuster, it was quite entertaining and the way the story is brought in and presented is worth the while.


Where to end? This movie is kinda woeful, you realise after about 10 mins that they had very little money indeed, what they had they seem to have saved by skimping on actors. The Plot? That doesn't matter in the least. The effects? Very poor. The editing? Not too bad actually and the look of the film is half decent. But none of that's important, none of it, what is important is the dubbed version.Its simply beautiful. Lip sinked by a blind man, scripted by an inbred and performed, by the sound of it, by a motley band of monkeys, castratoes and men who have had all trace of emotion removed from them.High pitched comedy voices and cackling abound. Oh the cackling, must be the only film in history to have its own cackling department. Any old dialogue that sort of fits is used, followed by half a second of their mouths still moving. That's when they don't simply fill the gap with cackling. You may have noted there's a lot of cackling in this movie (to be truthful some of that cackling might be mu ha hah ing or even gaffawing, only the experts from the cackling department would be able to tell us).I suppose the plot should be given a mention. Werewolf samurai, fights monsters, some of those monsters are human. With the usual mix of clans missions etc, it does have spider whores, which can only be a good thing. It moves briskly enough and has enough oddness to entertain.Perfect for a booze and pizza night.
