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Island Etude

Island Etude (2006)

November. 22,2006
| Drama

Ming-Hsang, a deaf college student, meets interesting people as he cycles around Taiwan before he graduates from college.


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A very pleasant, unpretentious film with heart. Soft and subtle and very human docudrama of touring the lovely island of Taiwan. Quirky? Yes it does seem a little off the beaten path, but overall a lovely story with memorable characters. I enjoyed viewing a film with generally very natural characters.


I may have missed something (as the other reviewers seem so be pretty enthusiastic) but I definitely feel my 108 minutes wasted. And I watch cycle touring video-journals quite often as this is one of my hobbies...This is a film made by an excellent cameraman who thought he does not need a director, professional actors or a decent script. (Reminds me to the airplane mechanic from "Murphy's War" who thought he knows so much about planes, he surely will be able to fly one at the first try.) There is enough raw material there for a good National Geographic article ("Student Cycles the Beautiful Coast of Taiwan Alone") with lots of stunning views of nature and a glimpse of a hard-working island -- but not enough for a feature film. And the professional cinematography made me constantly waiting for something more dramatic, I was not able to view this the way I view ordinary cycle touring videos. The lack of handlebar-mounted camera view, so frequent in that genre, makes this feel even less like a cycling documentary. (This is shot in third-person view most of the time.)As for a real road movie, this must be the most boring one ever made. The young hero's character does not ever change (well, it is only seven days) and it was not too interesting to begin with: always easy-going, content with everything. He meets totally uninteresting people, with the possible exception of the old amateur sculptor (but he appears only in the last minutes). The historical events recalled are mildly interesting at best. And do not let the presence of a guitar make you expect a strong musical score!


Island etude is one of the most beautifully shot and charming film I have seen.there are so many heartwarming,nice scenes in the film and after A while mings journey becomes your own journey.you start enjoying being a part of his life n enjoy meeting the people he is meeting.his interaction with those people is so natural that it makes your heart melt.mings expression n acting is excellent.director huAn en Chan did a great job in making a perfect road film.since I am not from this part of the world I loved seeing how beautiful Taiwan is and am most eager to visit it.wish this film was selected in top five best films for Oscar,it is that close to perfect imo.hats off,this is what cinema is,not your routine stuff but still spellbinding.

Steve Lee

There are movies that when you see you will tend to think about evaluating them giving them scores sticking critiques to them or any other stuff like those, but movies like Island Etude, on the other hand, is of another type. When you watch Island Etude, probably from the first few minutes on, the only thing on your mind is simply keeping enjoying it.Especially ever since the guitar starts sounding...Haven't seen a scene like this in a movie for a long time: a young man riding his bike along the seaside, so enjoyingly with smile on face, long nice hair drawing wind's direction, huge guitar bag on back, and of course as mentioned just now, the background guitaring... Actually at this moment the guitar music is called "riding side by side", as you can hear the playing of two guitars simultaneously. At this point would you want to say anything about how movies and scenes like this should be shot and how this movie and scene could be improved? I bet you don't, cuz I guess you are like me, immersed in pure joy.Don't wanna talk about the movie technically, technically good is just not what it's meant to be, instead, it's what it can leave you with.Our hero of Island Etude is not the talkative type, actually he doesn't talk much at all, but there is one simple line from him that is really touching, simple as it might sound, "some things if you don't do now, you won't never do." Once in a while we doubt about the meaning of our lives, doubt if we can do what people around us can do if we can have a life as good as theirs, we just tend to wanna copy others' dreams and lives, what about ourselves'? The meaning of your life is if you have the guts to do stuff you wanna do. You may not be able to do it quickly cuz we all have to do things we need to do before things we want to do, but sooner or later you gotta do it if you don't want your life to be your regret.Forget things everybody says you should do to fulfill your life, do things you feel you need to do to fulfill your life. It's a short life we got buddy, gotta make it worthwhile.
