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Ermo (1994)

September. 11,1994
| Comedy

A humble noodle-maker in a remote Chinese province, Ermo feels that she's being taken for granted by family and friends. She decides the best way to impress them is to bring home the biggest, most expensive television set she can find - no matter how many noodles she has to peddle.


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Chang Mian

Appealing to one of the most basic themes of human nature-- the grass is always greener.... Ermo struggles to regain her family's lost prestige in a remote mountain village and win back her son's straying attention and allegiance(?) by winning the battle of keeping up (and beating) the Jones's-- Chinese style.What could have been a very heavy handed commentary on the perils of capitalist greed turns out of be a extremely charming comic satire instead. Clearly, one of the most overlooked and underrated Chinese films of its time! There's still a morality tale here but it's a genuinely delightful one replete with an endearing heroine, a whiny husband, and the delightfully wicked neighbor-lady-next door. There aren't many films that can serve up a palatable cautionary tale with a side of noodles to boot-- but this one certainly does. This film is definitely a must for Chinese film fans.


A wonderful film.Ermo ("Second Girl")--a woman not even given a proper name--never wavers from her quest. Her singleminded pursuit is both heartening--as we come see her drive and self-discipline; and heartbreaking--as she, and we, see it for the empty goal it is.For Westerner's, who rarely see China beyond Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and more rarely Xian and Kuilin, this film gives a rare insight into the life of the countryside. "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is creating ever more women and men like Ermo.

nz man

Although the story is simple, without gorgeous people and spectacular scenery, this film nevertheless captivated my wife and I with insights into daily life of villagers in northern China. In particular, we were amazed at the way in which Ermo kneads dough and presses it out for her 'twisty noodles'.There is a clear message about the foibles of getting caught up in consumerism, but it does not have an anti-capitalist communist slant which would corrode the film's honest style.If you enjoy seeing art house films, or like viewing other cultures, then try this film. The acting is solid and some humourous parts lighten the rather harsh life. Without the usual formula of sex, violence and car chases, this is a refreshing and very real film.

Jonathan Doron

I haven't seen many movies from Hong Kong and/or China, but this light? drama seems to "fit in". The story revolves a strong, stubborn, hardworking simple woman from a village, with an impotent husband (physically or mentally, the first one here). Same as in Qui Ju da guan si (The Story of Qui Ju), Huozhe (Living/Lifetimes), Wian hun nu (Woman Sesame Oil Maker): all have stories and leading actresses completely perfect.Amazing story, gentle, at life's pace- but still without tiring repetition. Wonderful first half, the second doesn't lack great moments either. Highly recommended.
