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DC 9/11: Time of Crisis

DC 9/11: Time of Crisis (2003)

September. 07,2003
| Drama History

This is the story of the days directly after 9/11, and the president's whereabouts. Scheduled to air shortly before the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, DC 9/11 takes an inside look at the Bush Administration, beginning with the day of the attacks, and following the President's journey to Ground Zero, culminating with his now famous national address nine days after the attacks.


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First, let me tell you I'm not Republican nor Democrat. And also let me just say that this movie treats the facts incredulously loosely. Why paint Mr. Bush like a hero?And what about the "defiant" phrases like "No tin-horn terrorist is going to keep me out of Washington!" ?! We, as thinking human beings prefer our history unfiltered. Because if you know your history about 911 (like almost of you do) you will spend big time weeding out the truth from the lies.However the appreciation of the content will depend on your political inclinations, because if you are a Republican, you will appreciate the patriotism of this movie ("Super Bush"), but if you are a Democrat, this idea about "Super Bush" will have you either laughing and frustrated (or both!!!). And I agree with another user who says that this film may ignite certain furies in attempting to justify the war in Iraq.Finally, and the reason why I gave just one star to this movie is because this film is so Republican propaganda from start to finish, that if you can swallow it... bon appetit... If not, please avoid this trash...


I dare you to watch it without giggling at the way Bush is portrayed as Star Trek's Captain Pickard. Timothy Bottoms takes a wild departure from his dimwitted portrayal of President Bush and plays a whip-smart, courageous president Bush. Maybe he's stealing cues from Captain Janeway? You decide. The pacing of the film is exciting enough, and there's no problem at all with the story development. Because this film is well executed and relevant, Bush's detractors will inevitably experience great inner conflict as they realize halfway through that they are enjoying the film. Yes, it's true that the film's creators were shamelessly humping an emotionally sensitive theme on behalf of Bush and company, and it's sickeningly preachy. Given what we know only three years later, there's also a dark comedy about its obsolescence...Here's a spoiler for ya - bin Laden is played by the Loche Ness Monster, no weapons of mass destruction ever get found, and the masturbatory tearjerker ending of the film is open for sequels.


Anyone who has had the opportunity to watch Bushes' seven minutes with the kindergarten class, (the real version), might have a problem swallowing this "epic". If you can watch this films' version of that event and believe anything that follows, you're probably so far to the right that you think McCarthy was a misunderstood patriot. In the real world, George sat there in wide eyed fear waiting for someone to put some newspaper under his chair or at least tell him what to do. This brand of distorted history chills me to the bone and reminds me of German marching tunes. The country is totally polarized and if you're not ready to compliment the emperor about his wonderful new clothes, you must be a left wing radical. I can hardly wait for the sequel, "Katrina: President Bush Walks On Water"


Normally I would not review the reviewers, but in this case I believe it is appropriate. First, a quick review of the movie: it was well done in most respects. It gives a feeling of being there, the acting was credible, and the movie blended the actual footage with the filmed footage well. My only complaint was that it was a little long and tended to drag in places. Without being "politically motivated," I can say that the movie was informative about what may have taken place in the meeting rooms behind the scenes.This movie might be trying to be propaganda, but it is also telling a story, one that the public was not aware of. The critics of this movie on IMDb appear to have all this inside information. Were they there? How do they know how the President acted, or anyone else for that matter?? I follow the news enough to believe that these people could actually have made those statements and acted in those manners.So what if the actor who portrayed the President was the same one that made fun of him on the cable TV show. He was the perfect choice in his physical resemblance, voice, and mannerisms. He obviously felt strongly enough in his convictions to play this part (either that or he really wanted the meager salary of this big budget movie). Certainly it was not an embarrassment to play this part in this movie.A movie needs to be judged on it's own merit as a movie. This one needs to be looked at as if the story didn't happen. Then the movie can be judged as a movie. In the meantime, many people that have reviewed it have not been able to step back far away enough to do that. It is all too obvious.
