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Creature of Darkness

Creature of Darkness (2009)

January. 31,2009
| Horror Science Fiction

The story of four young couples drawn to the remote dunes for off-roading in their extreme machines. But the outing turns into a night of terror when they are attacked by the Catcher, a skilled and brutal hunter of human specimens for alien science.


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Claudio Carvalho

A group of teenagers camps in an area nearby a military base. Soon they are chased by an alien that hunts them down. The disturbed Andrew (Devon Sawa), who is haunted by nightmares, recalls the words of his uncle, Major Victor Devorshak (Matt Lattimore) that was a pilot that claimed that had been abducted by an alien called The Catcher (Phil Van Tee) and ended his days in a mental institution. Andrew tells that The Catcher kills humans to stock them for the winter. Further, his uncle had advised him to never go to that area during the night, but his friend Esther had convince him to come to the place to get over his nightmares. Now they have to fight back to survive."Creature of Darkness" is a pathetic movie, with lame story, direction, screenplay, acting, special effects, makeup and location. I am a fan of B-movies, especially from the 50's and early 60's, and I expected that "Creature of Darkness" was this sort of movie when I bought the imported DVD. Unfortunately, the plot is and awful rip-off of "Predator", but with unpleasant characters and stupid situations. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): Not Available (fortunately)


This is the exact type of movie that makes you want to take a hammer to your privates because that would be a less excruciating experience. I have to admit that I really couldn't make it through the whole thing. The alien or monster looked like someone bought it off the toy shelf at Target and just stuck it on some human "actor." Eventually, you really feel sorry for all of the actors in the film. It's as if there was no script at all and they took a bunch of sixth grade drama students and told them to just improvise until their characters are killed off which they do by constantly talking about who they think is hot in the group or swearing. And every once in a while until they're killed off they just get into a random fist fight just to create some motion on the screen or some female dances "sexy" in the middle of an Air Force bombing range by a campfire. It sounds from the above as if this could be semi-entertaining as in shockingly bad but funny. It's not even that. It's one of those movies that angers you for wasting $1 at the Redbox movie stand at the grocery store on this chunk of garbage and even more importantly wasting your time until you do yourself a favor and turn it off. Oh, and the positive reviews for this are fake--somebody connected to the movie. That's really a poor use of this site.


I had to sign up just to warn people about this awful movie.This is a bunch of idiots with a dune buggy, some ATV's and dirt bikes kicking up dust and screaming; throw in an alien creature. I'm surprised no one died of silicosis in the filming!If your looking for some cute gals running around in shorts and bikinis you'll be entertained for a few moments before you realize no one can act. Of course the horrible script and directing didn't help them. The best actor in the whole movie is the animated monster and it wasn't that good.I realize this is a low budget film but this movie was filled with corny lines, overdone screaming and ridiculous gestures. Low budget doesn't have to be that! I felt sorry for the actors, even though most of them couldn't act, period.


Me and my girlfriend caught the premiere of this flick at Santa Barbara Film Fest and both thought it kicked ass for a low budget job. Yeah, it had a few cheesy parts but was overall very watchable. The creature was really spooky and believable. The ugly thing spit on prey to scent mark them so it could hunt them down. Off-road machine action was cool. Story theme was similar to Predator, only this alien was hunting humans for alien science, not sport. The babes looked hot and I hated to see some of them killed off. I like that the creature was freezing them for inter galactic transport and alien museum display. Good to see Devon Sawa back on screen. I read on Fangoria that Sawa starred in another flick Wild America by this same producer. Haven't seen this Creature movie on DVD yet but I think it's worth the rental when it does come out. Don't expect a big budget studio movie and you'll be entertained. Will the world ever get tired of seeing deadly aliens hunt down humans? I don't think so. It's too much fun. My favorite part of this movie was the idea of an alien museum filled with human specimens
