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Gremlins 2: The New Batch

Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)

June. 15,1990
| Fantasy Horror Comedy

Young sweethearts Billy and Kate move to the Big Apple, land jobs in a high-tech office park and soon reunite with the friendly and lovable Gizmo. But a series of accidents creates a whole new generation of Gremlins. The situation worsens when the devilish green creatures invade a top-secret laboratory and develop genetically altered powers, making them even harder to destroy!


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Better then Gremlins 1 . Super funny. My favourite part is when the gremlin could talk.


This movie rocks. Oh, I need to say more? Alright then: this movie rocks so hard that Gizmo has mo choice but to do his little bop-dance to it while the twin scientists bop their heads and Christopher Lee does his best glowering of his career (and this man could glower a statue into submission!) This is Joe Dante and his collaborators going into a throw-all-the-kitchen-sinks-at-the-wall approach, and Gremlins 2: the New Batch is even more of a love letter to B movies and Loony Tunes than the first one; like the Evil Dead movies, the sequel finds its auteurs (lets not forget Spielberg too, and this time Rick Baker does fx work) not really wanting to make a sequel (the studio demanded a follow-up to the #4 box-office hit of 1984), but with final cut at his disposal, under Spielberg's supervision, Dante does a delirious cartoon of a live-action movie. When the gremlins wreak havoc it gives havoc a whole other name. Only one scene, when the new 'Stripe' gremlin leaps out of the board in the control room, is actually scary, but no matter.This is a movie to laugh your ass off to, and as a child you find yourself laughing at things but as an adult the jokes come harder, faster, and you get more of them. While Hulk Hogan may be a little dated, hearing a line like the Casablanca joke (making Clamp a lo of Trump and also a lot of Ted Turner), or the Brainy Gremlin voiced by Tony Randall make mention of Susan Sontag, or the references to the musical Dames and what exactly the movie is that the gremlins sneak into the theater that breaks the 4th wall of the whole movie itself (naked volleyball!) makes this a real treat and a half. Hell, just the scene with the Canadian restaurant (with a chocolate Moose cake!) is a laugh riot, but there's many more scenes where the comedy is with gag after gag after gag. And through all of this you got the return of some of the original cast, with Cates and Miller being most welcome, and John Glover giving a legitimately wonderful performance (comic, but with some humanity) in this time when a Trump mogul seemed... innocent by today's standards.Oh, and Gizmo turning into Rambo... I'm slayed.

Filipe Neto

"Gremlins", as usually happens with very popular and profitable films, gave rise to a sequel where the whole story of the first film is repeated, giving reason to the old saying according to which we're doomed to repeat the same mistakes until learn with them. This time, however, the monsters are going to storm a skyscraper, home to an important corporation run by an individual who, at first glance, looks like a caricature of Donald Trump. The unfortunate "mogwai", a friendly creature who, unwillingly, gives birth to this plague when it's not treated in accordance with strict safety rules, will therefore try to help humans put them down again.The direction and production crew remains basically the same from the first film and the script remains in Chris Columbus hands. Steven Spielberg continues as executive producer, but definitely is no longer needed his help to sell the film: the sweetness of Gizmo and the hilarious tricks of the Gremlins sell for themselves. This film is often labeled a horror comedy, like its predecessor, but I consider it too soft to be horror. Didactic and educational messages from the first film are still present, making it a didactic comedy designed to teach young people. Particularly interesting, however, it's the fact that the monster's target is an impersonal capitalist corporation, similar like many other in our times and more concerned with profits and buildings than human or ethical issues. Is this an implicit morality lesson? Perhaps. See for yourself and gather the family, it's a fun movie and will surely provide many laughs.


Another Gremlins movie filled with chaos and fun that for some reason, is usually thought of as a bad movie! I don't understand why so many people don't like this film. If anything it should be thought as on the same level of good as the first. Gremlins 2 does exactly what you would want from a Gremlins sequel, it ups the chaos, introduces new and memorable gremlins such as Mohawk, Greta and Brain, and explores all new possibilities, such as mutant gremlins. But it doesn't just rely on the gremlins for it's comedy, it also has many extremely funny moments in how it does satire of TV and large corporations. It even makes fun of itself, making jokes based on problems from the original and the concept of the Gremlins. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who enjoyed the original film.
