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Bigfoot County

Bigfoot County (2012)

December. 11,2012
| Horror Thriller

Siskiyou County, California has the most reported Bigfoot sightings in the world. In August of 2009, a documentary filmmaker went to investigate these alleged sightings.


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The Bigfoot Tapes. Having seen several bad Bigfoot movies lately I picked this up dirt cheap in the hope that it may buck the trend. Well if anything it took things to a new low! Three people go searching for Bigfoot, filming every step (yes, this is yet another found footage movie, Zzzz). They hook up with Bible quoting local Travis but once he vanishes things go seriously bad. Within the first few minutes of the film the "expert" on the subject incorrectly says that the Yeti is European. That gaff didn't bode well. There are obvious shades of Blair Witch here, only that was well done & this isn't. This film is incredibly boring and if it doesn't send you to sleep then the awful camera work will give you a headache. I think it takes skill to make an effective found footage, but this just belongs in the great pile of bad ones. In fact this is one of the worst examples that I've sat through. The only reason that I can see for this being BBFC rated 18 is for a scene of male rape. An abysmal film, don't waste your time or money.


Contrary to what some reviewers write, the title is appropriate. The scares and dangers in the film come not from Bigfoot, but from the inhabitants of the area which is Bigfoot Country; the drug-dealers and other rural denizens of Bigfoot Country are the scariest things in those woods.I enjoy found-footage films, but this was boring. The protagonists, while not as annoying as in some other films of this type, still are irritating, what with their insipid dialog and moronic decisions. The cleverest part of the film is the final shot, a close-up of a dead protagonist while in the background Bigfoot walks by--oh, the irony! Unfortunately, I watched this after Wild Men which is a comedy/horror found-footage film about searching for Bigfoot that is much more entertaining. Bigfoot is the scariest thing in the woods in that one.


... and 12 SECONDS 12 SECONDS!I really don't know what to make of this one. On the one hand, it's a generic as all hell found footage piece with a modicum of camp value as THEY ARE HUNTING FOR BIGFOOT! BIGFOOT!! IN 2012!!! On the other hand, you got a Deliverance clone with no pay off. Slim Pickings.Intoxication or a gaggle of like minded friends are essential to salvage any entertainment value from this C-grade entry into a genre late into its decline. That's not entirely true actually. Paranormal Activity 4 still made 5x it's budget that same year of this production. But that series, let's be honest, was the only true game in town by that point anyway.The only way this film could have redeemed itself was, like all the clones, fight dirty and become an exploitation piece. It was nearly there as the third act kinda accelerated into snuff territory, but I mean, come on, what's more WTF, rape by pot smoking hee-haw or by Sasquatch? It worked for Night of the Demon (1980), why not now? Show what Hollywood can and will not. Have some gull fellas, come on. Make Trash Great Again!This dim affair gets three stars.


with this movie as the movie just felt ................................Well I wished,I didn't after to write anything else, as the first line said it all.felt the movie stayed on one stage, never really moved forward at all, the bunch of scenes of nothing put together.Not one scene was scary or creepy at all, not even one small bad scare scene to make you Jump or even blink,When I thought this movie could not get any worse,it goes into some kinda of hostage movie, some of the cast end up going missing, you have no idea were they go.I don't know, Maybe I missed it cause, I wasn't really paying too much attention to the movie near the end.The end of the movie, made me laugh out so loud, it's was so. so, SO, Badly done.The acting this movie was very wooden from the whole cast, I Did not care for one person in this movie at all, I found all very annoying2 out 10
