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Bugs (2003)

September. 06,2003
| Horror Science Fiction

A cop on the track of a criminal finds himself in the midst of an unfinished subway tunnel, when his flashlight reveals a startling discovery: a three meter long scorpion-like Bug. With one slice of its massive tail the bug fells the man and devours him. FBI agent Matt Pollack is brought in to investigate, and when forensics reveal the source of the problem, he turns to his friend and entomologist Emily Foster for help.


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Okay, is this movie bad. yes. BUT WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT PEOPLE!!! C'mon! And for a bad movie it's not that a bad movie. I've seen movies with bigger budgets that are worse!The writing is formulaic, but fast paced. And like someone commented, no distracting love plots, scenes or whatever. Simply straight to the point action. The SFX aren't that bad. lemme put it this way: it's a low budget movie. Don't go expecting ILM, WETA CGI or Stan Winston/Rob Bottin/Chris Walas SFX. But still - it's decent enough to do the trick.The acting is mediocre at best, but again...its low budget! It's no Oscar material, but they do a decent job!So where does that leave us:BUGS is a movie that does what movies in it's class/genre should do. No more, no less. Don't go expecting more. At least it's not less, like "octopus" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0221905/) or shark attack 25 ;-)If you like silly monster flicks, it will entertain you for about 80 minutes. Grab your popcorn and set you mind to zero. Don't think, watch, enjoy ;-)

Mega Paul

This movie doesn't just disappoint, it irritates you with poor acting, moronic story, poor special effects and situations such as shooting a creature and not hurting it, yet hit it with a stick and you can hurt it enough to chase it off... If it wasn't so poorly made, it could be a comedy. In fact, some of the actors even have smiles while talking about their "dire situations" or ways to possibly save their lives.Finally, trying to add a "touching moment" to this type of movie isn't advisable... and, if done anyhow, make it at least a little bit realistic, please!!!There's enough corn in this movie to make enough ethanol to fuel the world.


Don't dismiss this one out of hand. Sure, it's not top drawer in the giant-insect-threat-to-humanity genre. But let's not be unfair, considering the slot it's aiming for. I don't think you should judge a film of this type as if it could make it as a first-run film in movie theaters. This is a TV Sci-Fi channel entertainment. I thought the effects were pretty darn good, and the first 15 to 20 minutes set up the movie with surprising style. When the subway car that had all the rich dignitaries rolls into the station after suffering a major attack--that's a great scene with real visual flair. Folks, what do we really want in one of these? A lot of giant insects, a troop of rough and ready combat types that all get picked off over time without doing really, really stupid things, the tiresome polluter-real estate tycoon-arrogant scientist getting his just deserts at the end, and a couple brave and true folk surviving. Give this one a chance!


There is nothing remotely original about " Bugs" but while its ingredients are familiar ones they are served with economy and speed which makes it a passable time -filler . When a new underground railtrack is built through the heart of a mountain there is a consequence undreamed off by the builders -the tunnellling awakens a horde of prehistoric giant insects akin to the scorpion .They are hungry -and no wonder for they have slept for millions of years .They attack a train and make a meal of the passengers The authorities send in a SWAT team and an expert entomologist ( who just happens to be a strikingly beautiful woman ) along with a FBI agent and a company expert to drive the rescue train . The team is attacked and its numbers depleted ,and it is left to the bug lady ,the agent and a few others to battle to safety while striving to kill the creatures and deal with the head of the rail project who is intent on covering up the whole business even if it means killing the survivors of the rescue party . The acting might politely be described as functional and the writing is basic but some adequate special effects and a brisk pace compensate and there is fun to be had spotting the references to other better known pictures as for example Alien ,Mimic and Jaws Not bad at all
