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The Suckling

The Suckling (1990)

September. 24,1990
| Horror

A woman goes to a back alley abortion clinic, only to have her aborted fetus attack her, her boyfriend, and everyone else at the clinic.


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Check out the outrageously tasteless premise for The Suckling (AKA Sewage Baby): an aborted fetus, removed by coat hanger in a back street clinic, is flushed down a toilet and winds up in the sewer where toxic sludge mutates it into a huge monster that attacks the occupants of a brothel.What sounds like a hugely enjoyable trash classic in the making is seriously hampered by terrible performances, a frequently dull script that spends too much time on the characters chatting about escape when it should be delivering scares and piling on the gore, and an incredibly goofy creature that looks like something H.R. Geiger designed for a laugh. In short, it all feels like a wasted opportunity.Made on a tight budget, the film is clearly a labour of love by writer/director Francis Teri, making me feel a bit bad for ragging on it, so here's a few positives to ease my conscience a little: the electronic score is rather effective, there are some fun attempts at stop-motion animation, and Teri achieves one or two genuinely inspired moments of absurdity (the shonky puppet creature returning to the womb being a hilarious highlight).

Thanos Milios

Ohhhhh words can describe how i felt when i finally finished watching the movie. It was so bad when i was watching it the environment of the whorehouse made me want to puke. It was an awful try even for a b- movie. There are b-movies underrated as hell like Carnosaur (1993), The Cellar (1989) which is my favorite b-movie people hated those but i loved them much better than this sh*t. And i watched this movie in a boring winter afternoon and it ruined the whole afternoon. Then i fixed it by watching the much better Thinner (1996). Even for a b-movie fan this movie can't be watched i don't know how i managed to watch that crap.


Now if you have the gall to sit through this poorly made pile of puke all the way to the end, besides very woozy you will see a message telling you that the story was based on a true story. Now I might have bought that was based on a true story except when it comes to the climax of the film when the monster shrinks back down into a baby and jumps back into his mother's womb. Either someone is lying or there was no mutant baby. Because they said they put her in an asylum for her crimes, which means they had no proof of a mutant baby. Even if the baby was able to be born, there would be proof, he would be crawling with radiation. Here's a hint to the makers, radiation can be tracked and measured with a little device called a Geiger counter. The monster was pretty good, but that lie about this being a true story and poor effects make this a poor movie. THE NOOSE!


A filthy whorehouse with a backroom abortion clinic which was built directly upon a toxic waste dump is the charming setting for THE SUCKLING, one of the trashiest monster movies I have had the pleasure of viewing in ages. When a girl's crudely aborted baby is properly disposed of by flushing it down the toilet, it becomes exposed to toxic chemicals in the sewage system. The fetus then morphs into a rapidly-growing beast with enormous fangs, which returns to the brothel/clinic crazed with vengeance. Sealing everyone inside with a thick, webby goop, the monster-fetus proceeds to savagely massacre the resident hookers and their Johns. The beast's mother is among those trapped inside, and there's no telling what may result when they are finally reunited.There's a big ol' barrel of belly laughs to be had here...this tasteless little grade-Z wonder features some of the stodgiest special effects and acting ever captured on film. Check it out.5/10
