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Uninvited (2008)

May. 13,2008
| Drama Horror Thriller

A young woman’s nightmarish past returns to trigger off a bizarre phobia she was once cured of; an intense fear of space, eased only by closeness to walls. She becomes a psychological survivalist when her remote house suddenly becomes a spiritual battleground, as evil forces gather to torture her during a night of terror.


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There are plenty of films called THE UNINVITED but this has to be the worst to date. It's an independent production that looks and sounds like a ghost story but in fact is an aimless time waster, shot in a murky old house in the half-light for the most part, and charting the non-adventures of a young woman suffering from crippling agoraphobia.THE UNINVITED is one of those films that makes zero sense to most people watching. There's a jumble of characters in the script, some bizarre, some very ordinary, and a handful of predictable scare scenes to make this a horror film, but other than that I didn't really have a clue what I was watching - or want to know. I don't mind a little ambiguity in cinema, but when a film is as wrong-headed as this one then it becomes an exercise in time wasting.


While trying to recover from a bout of agoraphobia, a woman finds that the ghostly visions she's experiencing around her house may have more sinister motives than just haunting her.One of the many variations with this particular title, this one happens to be an incredibly slow-moving and what initially-appears lifeless ghost story, more about freaky flash visions or dreams rather than any out-and-out horrors before it turns it around in the second half and delivers some really solid hauntings in that part. The early set-up is rather fine, but far too much battling her fears which resorts to nothing in particular happening as well as the constant and rather confusing addition of the others mistreating her condition, which feels too forced and entirely disingenuous to everything else going on. Thankfully, again, the hauntings in the second half are far better with some solid jumps and the discovery of a pretty intriguing reason for the haunting set-up. A little too much plot twisting is done in this section as well, with a lot of stuff that's just not needed to move the story along, and they're could've been a little more to do with the ghosts' involvements going for a kill now and then since there's not a lot of that going on, but it trades it in for a little bit more suspense and becomes more watchable as it goes along.Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and children-in-jeopardy.


For some reason I recorded this and it sat on my DVR queue for six months, but I finally got around to watching it two days before Halloween, in the hopes that it met my need for a good scary movie. A lot of today's horror films are little more than murder porn. The Saw series is the best example of this trend, and the Hostel movies are similar. The film starts with a discussion of Lee's pathological fear of space. This is a great device to be the center of the film. We're given some background as to how and when it started - it seems to have started when a boy next door died as a child. One suspects suppressed memories. So, she's alone in the house, and some kind of ghostly things start happening. She hears noises, has nightmares, coins start spinning themselves, the TV goes off an on for no reason, etc. We wonder if this is a ghost story or a psychological study a la Vertigo. Sadly, the filmmakers have decided to cross Vertigo with some kind of Rosemary's Baby story that seems to entail the sacrifice of a baby. Also, the story is confused because some of Lee's visions are her own personal demons while others are the spirits of the house. And then there are some demonic forces involved. On the whole, there's a lot of promise in this film but it sadly gets wasted by an incoherent plot. I wish the first half of the movie had led to a better second half. That could have been a pretty good film. It certainly would have simplified matters if the filmmakers had stuck to a story that dealt solely with Lee's phobia. Whatever they were trying to do didn't work.

Arsalan Ahmad

well i saw this movie on television when i was bored and it was quite late in my room alone then this movie started i first mixed it with the other famous uninvited (2009), as i started watchin' it thinking' that i'm watchin' that famous one i really began to like it after a while i knew it was some other movie but it still had my interest, and the style they started this movie was also very interestin' tellin' some woman's past how she got some phobia n now she can't see in open space n stuff, well i hav to say it did'nt disappoint me that much as i was really scared at some moments, really got my interest thou there were some defects in the script could have been much better if they had taken the suspense and intensity till the end but it was'nt really there till the end. still i would say it is a pretty interestin', scary and enjoyable movie and i i'll suggest u guys to watch this movie with an open mind don't expect anythin' or make your predictions about the story.
