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Live Feed

Live Feed (2006)

September. 26,2006
| Horror Action Thriller

Five young adults are about to find themselves in a fight for their lives, pitted against evil itself! While on vacation in a foreign city, one of the five makes a seemingly innocent albeit ignorant mistake and soon all of them will realize the cost of such an inconsequential action. A stranger appears to help them, but is this too little, too late?


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Maz Murdoch (asda-man)

I have never, ever, ever turned a film off in my life, neither have I walked out in any and believe me I've been close ("Import/Export" COUGH) but with "Live Feed" I was so, so close to turning it off. I bought it in "Poundland" for the magical price of £1 but please save that pound and cherish it! Buy yourself a nice posh pen or something because this is utter, utter sh*t. I've even been close to throwing this away.Everything could not be more worse. The acting actually made me laugh out loud in places, the actors are as wooden as the "John Smith's Pine" shop. The directing is absolutely sickening, as is the terrible special effects (there's nothing special about them). The plot is taken entirely from "Hostel" with even more perverted sex scenes in. The director is obviously trying to shock but with such tacky effects it can only disgust."It's Hostel... With snakes!" A quote boasts on the DVD cover. It's so predictable and cheap it really angers me thinking about it! The characters are just complete perverts, like the director, and the revenge sequences are just laughable. "Live Feed" is quite possibly up there with "Import/Export" with being one of the worst films I have ever seen. It's not even fun to laugh at, it's just pure exploitation. Trust me a snuff film would be more fun to watch.


Okay, I'm at the store and got to pick a horror movie real quick. I discover "Live Feed" and thinks that it can be fun. But I was dead wrong.First of all, the introduction is promising with great atmosphere and it sets the mood right. That's the first 7 minutes, because suddenly it's a laughable excuse for a horror movie. The actors are by far the worst I have ever seen on film, their expressions did not at all match what was going on and they were so awkward to watch that THAT'S what the real horror was!The plot is sickeningly standard, you already know what it is. It's about stupid teens travelling and getting locked in a hotel.SFX weren't anything to write home about, considering this is extremely low budge, BUT in the beginning this actually works. What happened? In the beginning it actually felt like a horror movie, but when those treasured minutes were gone it just became hilariously bad, so bad that this is number 1 on my crap-list. Never come anywhere near this movie, you'll just waste you and your friends time.0/10


You gotta see this! There's a group of some idiots who anger a triad leader in China and then they go to some porno movie theater. All of a sudden, everybody starts getting tortured and murdered, while the triad dude watches on a video screen! I was laughed at the horrible acting and the cheesy look. I couldn't get enough of the old guy with the missing teeth and the triad leader. When it was all over, I was still laughing. I especially found the scene in which the guy gets burned in the kitchen to be hilarious. The plot doesn't make too much sense, but whatever. I was quite astonished with the imagination of the creators of this. There was some demented stuff going on here. It had everything from forced cannibalism to sticking a pipe in somebody's throat and putting a snake in it. It was brutal. It was a fun little B movie, but it was so gross that I can really only recommend it to gore-hounds. Anyway, check it out if you like gory movies or if you want a good laugh. The directors of this are creative and I could totally see them making a good scary film with the sick imagination that they have been "blessed" with. Also, if you have it on the unrated DVD, watch the porno extra feature. It is as funny as the film itself!


The first full-length feature from FX-man turned director Ryan Nicholson, Live Feed treads similar territory to recent 'torture porn' movies Hostel 1 & 2 (and to a lesser degree, Vacancy and Turistas), and likewise fails to make the most of an admittedly interesting premise. I guess the fact that I actually rate it on a par with much higher budgeted efforts from major studios can be seen as a positive, but, considering I really enjoyed Nicholson's earlier 'short' Torched (rated 8/10 by me), I can't help but feel somewhat let down.Live Feed sees a group of five hedonistic friends on vacation in the Far East, who become trapped in a sleazy porno theatre. There they become the latest victims of a vicious organised crime syndicate whose boss gets his kicks from watching people die. One-by-one, the petrified tourists are slaughtered by a hulking brute wearing a rubber apron and a bizarre S&M-style mask, with all of the gory action broadcast to the sadistic boss on a 'live feed'.With plenty of nasty violence and loads of gratuitous nudity, this film certainly doesn't pull any punches, but it is let down considerably by bad characterisation, lame acting and a poor script. Unfortunately, no amount of extreme bloodletting and welcome T&A from pretty girls could distract this viewer from these weaknesses, and although I enjoyed the many brutal deaths (especially the bit where one guy gets his head twisted clean off!), I wish more time had been spent on bringing the substandard aspects of the film up to scratch.Nicholson could be praised for achieving the same degree of nastiness in his film as self-proclaimed 'saviour of horror' Eli Roth does with his over-hyped Hostel. But since I genuinely believe that he has more potential than Roth (and certainly has more respect for fans of the genre), I regrettably give this film a rather disappointing 5/10, and hope that he fares much better with his next project, the intriguingly titled Gutterballs.
