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Dreamland (2007)

February. 27,2007
| Horror Science Fiction Mystery

In the Nevada mountains between Las Vegas and Reno in the desolate nuclear testing grounds of Dreamland (Area 51), a young couple Megan and Dylan stop in a greasy spoon cafe where they learn about the Area 51 government base a few miles away. After they get back on the road, Dylan turns on the radio. The only broadcast he can find is a speech from Adolf Hitler at the 1936 Olympic Games. The car dies and a visitor appears from another moment in time. When Megan and Dylan look closely they realize that it is Hitler from the past.


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I have searched the web for an explanation to this movie. After some serious thought I think I figured out part of it. The dreams that Megan has are memories and she is obviously dead I am guessing from the crashed airplane that her (brother) leads her to. As for the boyfriend Dylan, I think he got transported into the past and that is why we see him over her crib as a baby at the end saying " I know who you are." As for the rest of it, your guess is about as good as mine. It is OK for one watch but not movie I would watch twice. Not even to figure out the plot. I give it 4 out of 10 stars. If anyone has a better explanation please lets hear it.

John Lewis

That mistake was NOT having a bottle (or more) of hard alcoholic beverage and a glass in front of me, and starting with gusto right after I told the film to play.This is not just a bad film---it is a *glaringly* bad film.In the broad firmament of stars that represent bad films, this would be depicted as a Supernova. There's no really discernible plot, the dialog was pounded out by monkeys on a typewriter, and let's not even get started on the casting and direction (what?)! It was interesting to go to the IMDb and see what other pieces of dreck the folks who made and appeared in this turkey have been involved in, or if they just took whatever they thought was a career, placed it on the ground, poured flammable liquids on it and struck a match.Can I get a boo-ya! from others?


I watched this film last night and really liked the non traditional story. However If you looking for an simplistic film to understand I'd say look else where, this film is full of moments that offer insight into what is going on with the time travel aspect of the film but if you miss that, which as far as I can tell is only spoken about in the restaurant scene once, well you'll just be lost. I think this director might have trusted too much in the ability of people to stay tuned in by all the pretty frustrated and angry reviewers on here For instance as I read in one of the internet reviews that was pasted in one of other user comments, I loved that the director used Patsy Cline's "Crazy" to indicate that all the experiences of the lead girl may or may not actually be happening, it was a bit of black comedy right in the middle of sci fi flick and it added a new layer of texture. I do see the Lynch comparisons as this director steps out into the ether with all the bizarre events giving the audience flashes of clues to what is going on. Not to give anything away and I hope no one marks this as a spoiler but there is the biggest clue to what the whole surprise is at the end of the film early on when the couple leave the restaurant and cross the paths of the three men coming in, if you look at the middle man carefully i think the director is giving the audience the chance to "get" the film in that moment alone. I did not see anyone of the reviews yet, especially the negative reviews, ever catch that. I am not trying to show you how smart I think I am but I think this is why the critics have given the film good reviews, I think they see so many films that when one comes along that you have to pay attention to they like the challenge, that's my opinion at least.There are some moments of over acting but I still was drawn into the story and didn't feel that it was too bad, watch any Asylum film if you want to see some really horrible acting. I especially liked that they stayed away from blood and guts stuff and made an entertaining film more about thought than violence, sex or killing. great job.


Some love this movie, some hate it, It happens these days when the ambitions of a filmmaker soar above the crap that Hollywood poops out. Clever writer/director James Lay leaves little time for bathroom breaks with quick glimpses of clues delivered in intentionally vague clouds of mystery that reveal the duality of the characters. Lay makes a good run at low budget Aronofsky/Lynch mood and style along with a mixture of witty and sarcastic dialog. Jackie Kreisler, raw in a good way, offers something transient to her character Meagan. Shane Elliot seemed flake boyfriend Dylan, surprisingly shifts halfway thru the film becoming a spooky creep with subtle glances. Jonathan Breck as Blake the Bartender offers up the most convincing character role as tobacco spitting man of mystery himself.Like a dog chasing its tail into infinity, Lay leads the viewer through a confusing dream state of seemed bizarre random events leaving the less than savvy viewers thinking "whats it all mean?" and "I don't get it, so it must not make sense" but like trying to assemble a 10,000 piece puzzle of a white cloud, it becomes clear Lay has sent you down a rabbit hole with a million tunnels into the infinite allowing the open minded artist in us to see that all is possible, there is just choices. Although the many who need the illusion of structure will reject this film, for the others of us who embrace artistic risk and reject one dimensional thinking Dreamland offers inspiration.
