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Meadowoods (2010)

May. 04,2010
| Horror Thriller

In a sleepy and uneventful small town, three college students, bored and desperate to make their mark, plot a savage and merciless murder. Electing to keep a video journal to memorialize their bizarre pact, they plot in secret, devising a homemade death chamber that will allow them to see, hear, feel, and linger over their intended victim's torment and final moments of life. Then, chosen at random, a fellow student becomes this victim when she is to receive perhaps the most brutal and horrifying of all fates. The default leader of this macabre trio directs the physical and psychological terror, even as contention and hostility within the group threatens to jeopardize their twisted plan, culminating in a violent and chilling conclusion.


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Random!!! Random!!! Random!!! Loved the movie just because of the originality, but if a random killing is to be random, then make it random. From there, whatever, really. Would be smart to not pick someone in your stupid town, let alone someone you go to class with. Being more worried about who and how isn't really of importance if it's random. I would think when (time) be more of importance. Location can be random, but of course if you do it in broad daylight and on main street, it's sort of destroying everything you had "planned", worked for. Oh, don't document something you want to not be known for doing, you stupid amateur. I guess to be truly random and just not to give a flying *bleep*, lol... Just shoot the next person you see in the face and be put to death or at the very least, death row. Good luck! :D


What the hell is this? This is really sick material. These sociopaths conspire and commence to immure an innocent, TRUSTING friend for kicks. The only redeeming quality is that one person, ONE, actually has a conscience. Such an oddity these days, consciences are. Who thinks the world exists like this? It's disturbing that those who made this film are attempting to entertain or rather cater to an audience in such a way. This is supposed to be considered 'entertainment'? That kind of reminds me of the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome, where men being physically mutilated with axes, swords, shot with arrows and spikes, dismembered by beasts, etc. was apparently very entertaining to that audience.

Liz Berry

I can't believe I sat through this entire movie. I like to think I'm rather forgiving in my viewing habits - the movie didn't grab me so I kept waiting... and waiting... and then I was already so far in to the movie I was really just watching it to make sure it ended... somehow.Even worse than that: the whole thing was so stumbling and awkward, I thought for sure it was improvised - like they were trying to do a poor imitation of the 'Blair Witch.' No. I final endure the equally awkward ending, pull up the film's details and see it had writers... it had a SCREENPLAY. Wow. That's all I can say. Horrible, stilted, mumbling dialog performed by cardboard cutouts of bored kids.Avoid. at. all. costs.


After suffering through 90 minutes of pure suck, I couldn't even figure out what happened at the end. I'm furious. The blond dude had the gun, I think his name was Travis, and somehow he got killed, I think. But I'm not really sure. The dumb blond emo chick was screaming something I didn't understand. Did Travis die and how? Ryan couldn't of shot him because he didn't have the gun. Did Travis shoot himself? That wouldn't make any sense. This movie is pure suck. Did the buried girl die? I wasn't even sure about that. What does the title even mean? Meadowoods? That doesn't even refer to anything in the movie that I can tell. It's just some stupid made up title that is supposed to sound spooky. What is the corollary?
