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Overtime (2012)

January. 29,2012
| Horror Comedy Science Fiction

Raph and Max only kill bad guys, and only after their boss Sam, a high-powered attorney, has cashed a nice paycheck for getting her sleazy clients off the hook. When Sam sends our heroes on a routine hit, they find themselves caught up in a conspiracy they never imagined. But whatever trouble they've gotten themselves into is nothing compared to the wrath of Raph's wife if he doesn't make it home in time for his son's birthday party. Being a good hit man is tough; being a good dad is killer!


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Hairy Buddah

This movie was a lot more fun than it had any right to be. I gave it an 8 as a within genre rating - low budget, clever, zombie movie.With a nod to Stargate our heroes are hired by Samantha Carter. She is an attorney who gets guilty bad people off on technicalities. Then she sends in hit men to remove them from society. The hit men go after a target they think is a drug dealer. Turns out he is getting the "drug" is a byproduct of research on alien parasites. The parasites start infecting the lab workers, and our heroes find their supposedly simple job of taking out a drug dealer much more complicated than originally anticipated.It turns into a classic video game first person shooter movie. Our guys find some other survivors. They find additional guns and ammo. They find items they need for their back story quest. They learn what they need to learn to save the world. All while wisecracking their way through zombie slaughters.It is all shot in claustrophobia vision. If the camera zoomed out too far you would probably see the zombie aliens obviously waiting to jump at the good guys from behind or the side. Hey, what do you expect for a movie that has to take it's building sets as it finds them.The back story was hilarious. The head hit man forgot his kid's birthday and has to pick up a bunch of stuff before he goes to the party. Naturally they find a cake in a breakroom at the zombie lab. So they have to pass the cake back and forth while taking turns blowing away zombies as they escape the building. I assume that several stunt cakes were needed or I would have seen the notice "no cakes were harmed in the filming of this movie" during the credits.Lots of fun surprise bits at the end. One of our heroes gets REALLY lucky. There are crazy credits including the full Y-Box commercial, and groupings of zombie alien credits based on the character they killed.So yes, it is all a little cheap and cheezy. But the actors are all trying hard and getting in to their parts. The writing is clever. The direction is as good as it can be with the tools at hand. If this style of movie is to your taste you should enjoy it very much.Hairy

Jillybean Daddy

First off, I'm a longtime fan of director Matt Niehoff's work. Everything from his projects at SCAD to his current opus allow you into this amazingly talented director's gleefully disturbed mind. I have been into movies since I was old enough to watch the big screen and Overtime truly does bring everything you could want in a film to the table. First off, Snow and Well's on-screen chemistry is incredible. From start to finish they call to memory the Marx Brothers, Oliver and Hardy - you name it! These guys are hilarious. I watched Overtime in a church and was causing God to come by and ask, "why dost thou L.O.L in my house?" The Zaliens are actually creepy and hands off to the whole make-up department for horror effects that rival Savini's. The action is relentless and the bad guys do a great acting job because I was glad to see them die. At least in the movie. The camera work is pretty intense. The slow-mo scenes are awesome and help to make Max and Raphael worthy of a Jack Burton thumbs up. I love the soundtrack featuring blistering guitar work and, when necessary, an eerie score. It really set the mood in each scene, making the whole film an enjoyable ride from start to finish. The plot line is so well played out that I had to keep watching. A little action, a little sci-fi, a little horror, a lot of comedy, and an awesome movie. A Hit-man who is more family-man than assassin, yet saves the world from a Zalien apocalypse all in time to make it home for their kid's birthday? Sound strange? Welcome to the world of Overtime and the first of many of Matt Niehoff's great masterpieces.


Overtime is a solid action-adventure film with some horror thrown in for good measure. The cast has amazing chemistry and top-notch performances all around. John Wells and Al Snow both shine with excellent comedic banter and action sequences. Matt Niehoff and Brian Cunningham have given us a witty, heart-pounding flick that gives us believable action, likable characters, and memorable, hilarious quips, all wrapped in a high-quality production that does Kentucky proud. Embodiment FX has done an amazing job with the makeup effects work, and the music used was absolutely perfect both in selection and placement. This film definitely deserves to be seen nationwide.


Overtime (the movie) is like the Hangover on steroids. It is a non-stop, action packed, punch in the face comedy with smartly sophomoric humor. Al Snow and John Wells carry this buddy/action film on capable shoulders. Overtime is well shot, well acted, well edited, well choreographed, and well directed and completely satiates the pallet. It tickles the same funny bone that made us want to play cops and robbers as kids. After the premiere at the Fright Night/Fandomfest Film Festival the audience gave the film a standing ovation that last for well over 15 minutes. A must see for any action film fan!
