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SuicideGirls Must Die!

SuicideGirls Must Die! (2010)

March. 12,2010
| Horror

When twelve nude models for the infamous SuicideGirls.com begin disappearing from a remote cabin, the calendar video they are shooting becomes the first reality horror movie.


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OK guys, first let me start by saying what is up with all the negativity on the ladies, all of them were really beautiful, and maybe they weren't all caked on with makeup and super thin but that's exactly what Suicide girls are, real tattoos and bad ass, confident ladies who want to change the beauty standard! A lot of them were pale because that's their look, Amina for example, is super heavily tattooed and I've heard some people describe her as 'overweight' personally I think she's gorgeous. The girls in the film and on the site aren't these super tiny models they are real. I can't stress that enough. As for the movie itself.....well.....I am a huge fan of all horror genres, B movies, cult, documentary, etc. I've also loved SuicideGirls from the time I was younger, I accidentally stumbled on a picture of Fractal Suicide (Who is in this movie)and it became my dream to become as amazing as these gorgeous, talented ladies. So when I found there was a horror movie I had to go out and get it.The plot was interesting, death scenes very realistic in parts some weren't so convincing but most horror movies aren't. The ending was good too and honestly unexpected. My mother and I turned it on while we were sewing late at night after she gifted it to me for Christmas this year, not only did I enjoy it but she did too. We watched it twice that night including with the other household members.While there were some parts that I didn't find too enjoyable, the vast majority of the movie, however was well worth it. It was filled with beautiful, confident girls and some amazing tattoos.A lot of people are complaining about dialogue and script, there wasn't a script at all. Those were genuine reactions which made the movie even better. While I will admit there were one or two scenes that I didn't like I can still sit through this movie again and again.The best thing I can say is go out and watch it for yourself, Everyone's opinions differ.


As if the plot, acting, body art, and cheesy arguments weren't enough. It appeared that Amina has a prosthetic leg. I don't know a damn thing about the suicide girls, I watched this movie while I was waiting for weather to clear so I could do something more productive. Overly tattod girls are just not attractive in the least and their scabby, pale, anemic bodies didn't help. The stupid arguing when the group was dwindling rapidly about what to do was over the top. "Eight girls are missing, we need to do something!" I'm here to shoot a calendar and thats what I plan to do! Besides it hasn't been 24 hours yet." Holy cow, what deplorable dialogue. This is 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back.


People were offended by my first review, so I will try to be nicer this time.This movie really isn't very good because it is just full of typical horror movie clichés.To wit- "victims" are picked off and yet the rest of the characters are unaware of their danger.Everyone has video-cameras that they continue to use even when they are in mortal danger of losing their lives. (Again, a trend started by the "Blair Witch Project" and continued with films such as "Cloverfeild" and "Quarentine".) It strains credulity because your last reaction to "Someone is trying to KILL me" is "I'd better get this all down on tape!" Oh, yeah, let's not forget the "My Cell Phone doesn't work out here" device. Because I guess screen writing is still caught in the 1980's, before 4G network coverage. Because "Working Cell Phone > mad killer", unless you cheat.But the main problem with the film is that the Suicide Girls themselves are such unpleasant, unlikeable people that you simply don't care if they get killed or not. There is no one in the film to root for. Most films of this genre have a "Jamie Lee Curtis" character you kind of like. Not here.The fact that not a one of them can act probably doesn't help matters all that much.


This movie is actually pretty interesting. Not just for the fact that there are semi (and fully) naked hot tattooed girls shooting a calendar in the movie. It takes a while for the movie to actually get interesting, but there are a few decent moments in it. These girls aren't acting though, this is an actual documentary and they were giving real reactions to what was happening as they all thought it was real. Throughout the film you tend to think "WTF?" quite a lot as there weren't actually any scary bits. If you want to be scared don't bother watching this movie, but if you want to see members of the Suicide Girls posing in front of the camera, running about with barely any clothes on and lots of drunken arguments this film is for you!
