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Pig (2010)

April. 17,2010
| Horror

A man lives in a caravan in the desert with Savannah, a mentally handicapped woman he keeps in a cage. He has abducted several people and keeps them prisoner.


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While Pig is more an experiment in art and film-making it doesn't take away from the fact that it is still a fine example of a genre film. Pig takes place in the sweltering desert and really has no drawn out plot. More just a desert maniac murdering people but cmon do you really need more than that. It follows in the foot steps of former desert dwellers like The Hills Have Eyes on up to the more recent Wolf Creek and The Devil's Rejects. Pig isn't a movie I'd recommend to the casual movie goer that's used to the quick cuts and gross amounts of CGI considering that the whole movie is one complete shot with no edits. It could be quiet trying for someone who's not used to long extended shots. Pig makes for an interesting watch to see just how the whole thing will play out and it does a pretty decent job. My only real complaint is the lack of gore for this type of movie but given the fact that it was shot in one take it makes it a bit more understandable that there wasn't more. I suggest if your a big horror fan or have a strong interest in film-making then I say you should seek Pig out.

Tom Jeffery

A hypnotic headmashing experiment in single camera nastiness, PIG certainly lived up to and also confounded my expectations. I was expecting a standard redneck slasher film, which in essence it is, but the totally unhinged performances and the atmosphere of inescapable dread really hooked me in, and made me feel I needed a shower after it was over. Extremely technically impressive, almost completely improvised, and bringing to mind other experimental fare like the August Underground series, PIG is practically a video diary of murder, degradation, and crack-smoking madness. As unsettlingly brilliant as Andrew Howard's performance is, a few moments of pitch-black humour dot the proceedings, adding an interesting edge to an otherwise fairly archetypal character. The music can get slightly tiresome, I'd have liked to see it with no score at all except the radio excerpts. It's certainly a slog, but an admirable and affecting one.


The ingenious marketing for this was let down by technical hitches, but filmmakers take note and run with the idea faster than Forrest, this is how its done.I am now a self-confessed Pig. After the initial err of anticipation, once in I was captivated. I echo the Rob Zombie sentiments. However, I liked it, as much as one can 'enjoy' the patronizing, sadism and brutal human torture that is 'Pig'.Film appreciation may influence my view on homages/comparisons to others, but this merely enhanced 'Pig' than deflected from it. Most will notice the 'neverending take' Mason delivers - it does feel tedious and 'drags' the film yet with enough visually to sustain momentum especially 'cat and mouse' scenes. Yea. More of this please. A technical first combined with valid effort that made me all the more uncomfortable - waiting, itching for some kind of release - felt like a POV almost. Viewer participation without lifting a finger..I would give 'Pig' a go if you've a strong stomach - its not the worst film nor the best. Then, it doesn't claim to be. It is what it is. Better in places, a relief when its not. I found myself thinking. The inevitable 'RUN!, NOW WHATS HE DOING?!', then smiling at radio commentary.. . Clueless?. Welcome to my world.Self-examination has begun. This isn't your run-of-the-mill indie horror. Its the human condition. Personified. Howard's chillingly brilliant, consistently raw and seriously twisted. The captives did themselves justice, notably Mr Burnet, with sheer persistence. No victims here. *shuds*. Life just got that more terrifying.If a film makes me think, interpersonal or otherwise long after its done..Its my kind of film. Mason did good. Squeaky toys will never be the same.


First of all, the film isn't THAT gory. A film like The Devil's Rejects ( to which the film is compared to ) has more blood in it. Nevertheless, this film is just lunatic as hell. People are beaten, raped, urinated on, spit on,... and just plain humiliated. Andrew Howard gives a crazy performance and does an amazing job ! It's an unique technical experiment, the music and sound effects are disquieting and the atmosphere is pretty good. It does drag from time to time, but the pure insanity makes up for it. The ending really was a WTF-moment. Adam Mason really is a talented guy who knows to pull of grueling horror movies. This wild and gritty ride proves that again.
