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The Cradle

The Cradle (2007)

July. 31,2007
| Horror Thriller

When Frank and Julie move to a small isolated town with their son Sam, both Julie and Sam become ill. Driven by terrifying nightmares of torture that come true Frank begs a local midwife Helen to care for Sam as he desperately searches for a way to stop this curse on his family.


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SLOW the first 30-45 minutes but if you can hold out this quiet little psychological thriller will RIP your heart right out of your chest


First, let me say that I didn't watch the whole movie, so my opinion could be skewed, but I doubt it. That said, I'm posting this just to warn certain people not to waste their time. Despite seeing plenty of bad movies, I've never had to stop watching one before The Cradle. I watched about a third of the movie before I couldn't stand the absolute tedium, and had to shut it off, concerned with my mental health.I tried to watch this movie a while ago, and don't remember any real plot, and the sad thing is, it's really not because I've forgotten it. It just didn't exist, or at least not until halfway into the movie..I've given this movie the lowest score possible, as unlike normal bad movies, you can't even make fun of it and give it pity points for being a good laugh.If you do choose to endure this film, you're in for long, dull scenes of dreary dialog and lifeless actors shuffling around as though they've been drugged. Good luck.


With this movie I was expecting one of those (most) badly made horror movies, where u just scream but there's else to it! However this movie really surprised me in a good way, the actor aren't very well known guess that added to not doing so well at the box office,but it's a very good movie. It is carefully done in a way u never expect what the outcome is! To me it resembles "The Others" that movie with Nicole Kidman...yes a tweak here and there would have made it really great, but in spite of that I would say it was pretty darn good, and Im not at all a fan of horror movies, I was just watching it with a friend out t of boredom...


I'm not sure why this has been slaughtered by the viewers as I thought that it was a fantastic film about loss and failure to accept that loss.However "horror" cliché titles and posters of grubby white hands grasping from the ether possibly gave some viewers the wrong idea of what to expect.It should be noted that the director does use these clichés in shots during the film, most notably the swinging light outside the barn.Some of the main failings of this movie are in its beginnings. Both actors and director seem to struggle with a direction-less script and it is only when Frank actually meets Helen for the first time that some semblance of action takes over and following this the film moves on at a reasonable pace given the subject matter.Acting is also good with Haas's Frank becoming more erratic by the moment until the full realisation of what he is going through comes to the fore, in a poignant and sad ending, which is beautifully scored and well directed.Other cast members are equally good and the question is left that there may have been a ghostly element to the whole affair as well, which other films have laid on rather thick. Here it is just an afterthought.Minor discrepancies I felt were impacting on the film are explained in the finale (like why Julie never takes off that goddamn gown and even Frank using the baby monitor like a military style walkie talkie (the range can't be that great) is explained away by his condition.And all the dream sequences are done to good effect - especially if baby in peril things are your cup of tea.
