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Lockout (2006)

June. 26,2006
| Horror

An man gets fired when he fails to adapt to certain changes in the company where he's worked for over ten years. As a result of this, he and his family are forced to move to an old house in rural Wisconsin, where bizarre events will gradually turn their lives into nothing but hell on Earth...


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LOCKOUT is a poor quality indie horror flick that will make little sense to anybody who bothers watching it. It starts out on a relatively simple footing with a man fired from his job and moving to an old house in Wisconsin and is subsequently haunted by strange events and characters. At this point coherency takes a nose dive and I had no idea what was going on or who the characters were - the scriptwriter doesn't bother explaining any of this. It's really not worth sticking it out to the end where you finally discover just what on earth is going on.


First off, Lockout is low budget. If you don't care for low budget horror then you will probably wish to pass on this film. Personally, I believe a good low budget horror film is a true piece of work and the film makers have to work that much harder to make up for tight funding. Lockout was a surprisingly disturbingly edgy tale.Dan (Kris Desautels) finds himself out of a job, a victim to outsourcing. For a change of pace and to soften the financial hit, he, his insecure wife Chris (Cyn Dulay), and her younger obnoxiously, self-deluded sister Roweena (Claire Davenport II) move to Dan's second home in Wisconsin. Matters turn dark when Roweena attempts to set up shop as a call girl in the rural area and is contacted to entertain a grisly fetish.Save the constant barrage of four letter expletives reminiscent of a Rob Zombie film, acting is solid here. The film is careful and stingy with story clues. Shock and gore is viciously let loose in masterfully timed shotgun bursts that slap hard and without warning. It is a far from perfect film, but it is engaging.


I don't mind low budget movies - "Saw" started out with a small budget & worked very well. Even the "Blair Witch Project" had some redeeming moments. Unfortunately, this one didn't.From the very beginning, I couldn't understand what the plot in this movie was supposed to be about.I understood that the lead character was undergoing some serious issues in his life, which affected those around him, but there seemed to be too many obscure incidents being introduced that had little or no relevance to what was going on in the movie.In the end, I decided to log on here to see if anyone else had the "answer" to what the heck was supposed to be happening - unfortunately not.Personally, I wouldn't invest my time on this wasted effort. It's not the money I was concerned about losing, it's the time I'll never get back again :-(

Ricardo Islas

Generally speaking when someone refers to most horror films, no one likes to put the words "thinking man's" and "horror" together. Horror is often perceived to be a genre that requires no thinking, no logic, and one would even go as far to say no plot, but one thing people always can associate horror with is violence, gore, nudity, etc.So when it comes down the nitty gritty, horror films aren't often looked upon with kind eyes by critics alike for this said reason. They expect nothing more than a senseless bloodbath with no retribution whatsoever. Well thankfully, times are changing and horror – although still having its share of mindless bloodbaths – is turning into a genre that is becoming somewhat respected. Films like Saw while being grotesque also manage to put forth not only an interesting story, but a twist here and there that keeps the viewer guessing and constantly on their toes. It's a thinking man's horror film in sense. A whodunit if you will.When it comes down to looking at a film like Lockout one can only assume two things by viewing the cover art and the synopsis on the back; it's going to be one of those senseless bloodbath types of films, or it's going to be boring as sin. Thankfully, it's neither.The film has a basic premise, a story about a Dan, a man who cannot adjust to his company's new procedures and after 10 years of service, he is let go. It appears that the company needs people that can speak other languages and Dan cannot. He decides to move out to a country home he and his family have to take it easy and minimize the cost of living. Upon arrival things appear normal, but nothing is ever what it seems – especially in a horror film.The film mostly takes place in the old home and an abandoned barn where we meet our protagonists; two very messed up individuals who come into the picture due to a certain girl's strange habits. They enjoy violent sex and the occasional bodily dismemberment. It becomes clear very quickly that the pair is stalking Dan and his family and soon a final confrontation begins.As the film moves on, one picks up little hints here and there about the film's subject matter. It's very clear Dan is not friendly amongst the Hispanic or other foreign language citizens as everyone he meets he is either rude to, or just blows off. Odd considering that his wife and sister-in-law are also from other countries but that's just another part of this story's wonderful brain.The film does move along quite slowly but it builds up to a nice confrontation and a hell of a twist ending that I saw part of it coming, but the rest was a total shock. In any film's case, not just horror, a good twist these days is very hard to find.The acting sells the story as each actor portrays their characters very well. The arguments are real, the talking is real, it all feels real, nothing sounds pre-written or staged which is also, something difficult to find. The protagonists have no speaking lines which add not only to their weirdness but make them feel like more of a threat.The special features on the disc unfortunately are nil, nothing but a behind the scenes documentary and a trailer. Although the documentary was lengthy, a commentary would have been nice but the film works well enough on its own so I cannot complain. The picture comes through very clear and has that shot-on-video look but doesn't quite nail it, looks more like digital than anything but it does not detract from the film's viewing experience at all. If anything it adds to it.Lockout is one of those films people are either going to really love, or hate incredibly. I loved it. The film works its way under your skin, keeps you thinking at the end as it all falls into your lap and holds the viewer's interest for its running time. The story is thick, the acting is great, and the twist is one of those that won't make sense at first; but once you place all the facts of the film together and think about how it all falls into place; it will. Definitely a film you will be going, "Oh, okay so THAT'S what happened and that's why this was like this, okay I get it now." But it's not going to be something you will get right away, you'll have to think.If something that's going to pick at your brain hours after you watch it is what you're looking for, Lockout is it. If it isn't, well you might want to look elsewhere. This film has its brain planted firmly into its grizzly end and doesn't stop ticking until the credits roll. I applaud the writers and the people behind this film for bringing something like this to the horror genre. It's just the kind of film it needs to push itself up from being mindless entertainment to actual entertainment. Seek this one out, it's well worth it.Blurbtastic - "...the film works."
