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2LDK (2003)

April. 11,2003
| Drama Horror Comedy Thriller

Nozomi and Lana share an apartment in Tokyo. They have both auditioned for the same role in a movie, and know that the shortlist has been cut down to just the two of them. As they wait the night before finding out who will get the role, their personality clashes erupt into an all-out battle.


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Don't pay attention to this being billed as horror on here, it's what in the 60s would have been understood as Japanese New Wave, scathing assault on this world rather than dread of some beyond. It's compact, clocking at barely an hour, with bite to spare.Two roommate actresses aspiring for the same role in a film and living in the same house grow increasingly unhinged over the course of one night, you can imagine this as a continuation of what Koji Wakamatsu used to do in b/w once upon a time, Tsukamoto later.At first polite enough, propping the social facade it aims to perversely tear down, but gradually the girls turn suspicious and catty, hang up on dreams of success society has promised, a society steeped in consumerism and image; we see one girl's room lined with trophies and photos from beauty pageants, the other fusses about her collagen drink and she's a 20 year old girl.All the accoutrements that society has said if we surround ourselves with will amount to a comfortable life here are hurled at each other, used as weapons to degrade and inflict pain with, from a ketchup bottle to a hairdryer. Modern life may be glanced in a bleak way, with a certain amusement at its failure to soothe, but I would rather rest with the underlying point that can be glimpsed here; that the flames of dissatisfaction singe from the inside, it's the constant desire, vexation, reaction to things not being what we wanted them to be. In this state of mind, even much coveted romance is denied by a girl more keen to consume her being with the meaningless spat.So this is about the spirited meaninglessness of itself, about so much energy, dynamism and spontaneous creativity the two girls are able to muster to hurt each other, two actresses trying to outperform each other, funneled into performance that is hollow except with rage, with no more a struggle with ideals to absorb the rage as in the 60s. No Wave in place of New.In the end even a moment of sweet intimacy, one girl yearning to be kissed for the first time, is reduced to only another performance trick in their play. Earlier a piano that one of the girls could be play beautifully had been petulantly bashed by her.


The film begins as a kind of psychological movie with a bit of humor. It's unfortunate that it does not build on these grounds. Instead it slips into mindless violence. The two main characters hurt each other without real or at least believable reason. You cannot even call it action movie because the story is too jerky. The end is foreseeable from the very start. The characters are flat as a board. The scene is distracting and does not play. There is hardly any plot in there at all. It requires strong will to keep watching it to the end. I recommend to avoid this film as a huge waste of time.


SPOILERS AHEAD - SO BEWARE:Lana (Maho Nonami) and Nozomi (Eiko Noike) are the real "Odd Couple". In fact they are far worse. Oscar wanted to ring Felix's neck, but he restrained himself. Lana and Nozomi find too much pressure from each other to maintain a civilized restraint. And one evening they find the pressure finally explode.2LDK was one of two films about "dueling" that were part of a friendly bet between two Japanese directors. The stories were to be limited to two or three people, and the actions resolved by them dueling to the death with one survivor. Yukihiko Tsutsumi directed 2LDK. I have not seen the other film yet (except a clip on YOU TUBE - it looks interesting), but Tsutsumi made his duelists two young women who literally find each other is standing in their way to what should be a fulfilling career and life.Both of them are actresses. Nozomi (the dark haired actress)is from a small island of Japan's, where she has gotten rave reviews. She is determined to expand her career in Tokyo but she is getting very small parts. Nozomi is pretty, but her straightened earnings prevents her from looking well dressed. Lana lectures Nozomi about the need to be big in movies (like Nozomi does not realize this). However, although Lana got supporting parts in several "B" features, and enough money to have nice clothes and accessories, she is willing to use sleeping with her producers, etc. to get roles. Nozomi resents Lana for her success. She is also upset at Lana's material possessions and beauty pageant awards (Lana treats these like a shrine). Lana thinks Nozomi has good looks, but thinks her frumpish in appearance, and resents her apparent penny - pinching ways (she marks her eggs with a magic marker, putting on her initial). They did not choose to be together, but they use the same casting office and it owns the apartment. They have this apartment with two bedrooms, kitchen, bath,and living room at free rent. Fine with both of them, putting up with each other. But they both, in the course of the evening, discover that they both have been seeking a lead role in a film called YAKUZA WIVES, that they are the only alternative for the part to each other, and have been dating a man who is connected to the film. A telephone call will settle the casting.That sets it off. Initially their negative views are simply said by the two characters to themselves in their thoughts (frequently at counterpoint to what they say to each other civilly). But when the rivalry blows up civility is dead. There is a rising tide of violence between the two young women (interestingly enough the actresses are both the same age, born in 1980 and about 22 at the time). Nozomi is soon demolishing Lana's beauty contest awards. Lana grabs a hammer and knocks out Nozomi. Then she returns to the reviving Nozomi with a chainsaw, demolishing parts of the latter's room. But the plug falls out. She drops the useless weapon, and Nozomi grabs it and chases Lana. And so it goes with escalating mayhem between the girls reminding one of the "reciprocal destruction" scenes in Laurel & Hardy comedies.They try to bash in each other's head, suffocate each other, use drowning and electrocution...you can see how this goes. Finally, after a night of mutual mayhem, they momentarily calm down and discuss the hopelessness of their lives. They even kiss. But their adrenalin is still guided by that job and that guy. Finally they confront each other with ice picks one at the jugular of the other's neck, the other at the carotid in the the other one's neck. They momentarily realize it is a Mexican standoff, and both relax. But a moment later they both plunge their ice picks in the right spot, each reacting with a mixture of shock, anger, and surprise at the other for daring to do that to her. Their arms (unfortunately) equally drop, and they shoot out most of their life blood into each other's face. Facing each other they collapse and die at the same moment, but possibly they hear the phone message that comes in - the script was rewritten and both will share star billing!It sounds grim, but the film is very funny - one of the funniest dark comedies ever done. Both stars are quite good, and (although it would be pointless to consider this for any changes), one wishes they could have continued the calming down for their own sakes. They both did have their better points, and they could have helped each other. But they each were so annoying to the other and in the way.By the way, such a result is not unusual. The most notorious duel in English history was in November 1712. The 4th Duke of Hamilton and the 4th Baron Mohum were brother-in-laws by marrying two sisters. The sisters were in a lawsuit involving Mohun as well about one of the richest estates in England. Hamilton, a Scotsman, was a Tory and a Jacobite, and while not poor he was not as rich as he needed to be to be a major player in British politics. Mohum was English, a Whig, and using the wealthy estate to cut a figure in British politics. For a variety of reasons they saw each other as an impediment to their own success and security. A slight comment by Hamilton was considered an insult by Mohun. He sent a challenge, which Hamilton accepted. They met at Hyde Park at dawn in London, and ran each other through enough times to fall dead together. That was an actual event unfortunately. Lana and Nozomi are a pair of dead fictional characters. I think the latter are the luckier pair.

rikki flores

Wow, that's all I can say.Both the actresses in this movie were great, especially surprised by Eiko Koike's excellent performance.If you are looking for a movie with two girls beating the crap out of each other, this one is for you.Takes place all in one night, all in the same apartment.The fight scenes are quite realistic - and painful to watch.Not for the squeamish.All in all, a pretty good movie.Give it a try.
