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Crushed (2009)

January. 01,2009
| Horror Thriller

Love can be painful. Very painful. The intriguing-on-the-outside, twisted-and-tortured-on-the-inside Tara sets her sights on the unassuming guy-next-door Ray. Their innocent flirting turns into a regretful one night stand which he hopes to put behind him. Tara has different plans for their relationship.


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Sean Ruddigur

If you thought R. Sloppy thought that voodoo moon and haunting of the innocent was at the bottom of life's barrel then wait until you rent from red box the film no one is talking about "Crushed" or "She's Crushed" This movie is what big Neil would call God Awful. This has to be one of the worst films I have seen in a while and I tried running through the Friday the 13th bore fest. The acting is horrendously bad. The story made no sense and had constant jump scenes which I think was trying to be transition cuts? Scenes that had nothing to do with the original plot but I don't think this film had a plot, the website was a sticker on the actual movie disc I mean this is even low for red box standards. They make full moon productions look like Top Gun. TOP GUN! The bald side line character was doing in prov for every single line and was vocally the most racist character in any film ever. The name does make some sense because she is a girl who gets crushed by 'Ray' though it doesn't really explain why and how she had intercourse with him made absolutely no sense. She picks him up on the side of the road 'without knowing who he is' brown out drunk and goes to town. If your into that... thenDon't bother with this one folks. I would rather break beer glass bottles in my hands by squeezing them then shove them into my eyes. It's that bad.


I saw this movie about two years ago, I sure it on The Horror Channle that is aired in UK. I heard of the plot is sound it really good, but i did record this movie and watched before i went to work next morning.As I put it on, it was one of those low budget moviesThe most of the movie felt a bit cheesy not the good cheese, where not enjoyable. it did not live up to plot at all and movie did have some bloody moments but i still was fast forwarding some part of movie to see if it was going get better, it didn'tNot worth watching at all! 2/10


Every mans nightmare, crazy girl who will do anything to get and keep her man. I see this as the Fatal Attraction meets any bloody torture porn and that's not a bad thing. I love the way this woman can get away with almost anything just by the mere fact that she is female. I think this is a great angle for a horror film and I for one felt pretty bad for Tara's new lover. Tara is the main character of the movie and is played by Natalie Dickinson who knocks her role out of the ball park. This is movie had me squirming and as a jaded horror fan this is not an easy thing to do. I like this movie and recommend it to the true gore hounds and horror movie buff but this is not for the average movie crowd in my mind.

Hunter Harrell (CoPSwords)

Not all Low-Budget movies are Low-Quality however, it is the case with She's Crushed(2009). I don't want it to be bad, but it is. It had a great concept that is not often portrayed in American films, but the lack of good equipment, and lack of talent destroyed the movie.The biggest flaw I saw, or heard rather, was the sound quality. It was ridiculously loud, and grainy for every single scene. The grain of the audio almost overpowered the speaking parts entirely. I have seen much older movies with better sound equipment. As for the video quality, it was OK. Just a little out of focus at times, and it did look a bit grainy, but I've seen worse.Almost every single character was cliché and poorly written. The acting didn't save it much, although Natalie Dickinson was fantastic in this movie. She really captured Tara's instability. It's just that the writing was absolutely terrible, and it felt that even she was aware that the lines were garbage.I really, really wanted this movie to be good. Had they got their hands on some good equipment, and replaced half the cast, this movie would have been awesome and unique. But, they did not, and now it suffers the fate of fading away in the dark depths of low-quality horror.
