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In Search of Lovecraft

In Search of Lovecraft (2008)

October. 04,2008
| Horror

While shooting a Halloween news story on horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, reporter Rebecca Marsh discovers that the "fiction" Lovecraft wrote is actually true and the creatures and cults described in his writings really exist.


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Everything the people behind the aquarium have been saying about 'In Search Of Lovecraft' is true. The film is pathetically, awfully, terribly, horribly bad bad bad bad. Just bad. I have seen better acting in high school plays than they have in this film. The camera-work is shoddy as hell, our three main "actors" are so bad at reciting their lines, that they forget what they are saying mid-sentence most of the time. It's like they made this in their fifteen minutes spare time that they had before work everyday. If I didn't know any better, I would think that this was some awful college project done by one of our three leads, but that terrible burden of responsibility lies with a man named David J. Hohl. The only redemption in this movie comes in the form of one actor named Saqib Mausoof, who is the only person in this entire film that seems to have read the screenplay and seems to know what the hell is going on. The film is so bad that you will struggle to focus on whatever vague notion of an idea is trying to be acted out on screen. I seriously love some bad movies, but this film is just painful to watch in so many different ways. I am going to vote a 2 because it perhaps had the slightest bit of potential if all you were to do was read the synopsis on what it's supposed to be about, and because it managed to make me laugh at how god-awful it was a couple of times but please avoid this dud at all costs unless you can tolerate some excruciatingly bad filmmaking.IN SEARCH OF LOVECRAFT -----2/10.

Jason C

The horror of course being the horrid acting. The two exceptions being D'Souza and Keja. Without them I don't think I could have finished watching. Although, I guess they can't be completely to blame. The writer/director should take most of it. I was really hoping this movie would be at least somewhat good, being that I'm a huge Lovecraft fan and Nyarlathotep is my favorite deity.It's very rare that I comment on movies, good or bad. We all have our own opinions - to each his own. However, I would like to at least give a heads up to fellow Lovecraft fans. If you need 90 minutes to waste... go find some wet paint and watch it dry. You'll thank me later.

Matt Kracht

Really, I'm being extremely generous in giving this movie a 3/10. It obviously deserves 1/10: the acting, directing, effects, and writing are all atrocious. However, there were a few good scenes (the old time 1930s scenes were kind of cool), one or two of the actors were passable, and the attempt to bring to life a Lovecraftian tale of horror is welcome, though it always seems doomed to ineptitude or mediocrity.In the end, I'd have to say that this movie is only for people who can overlook seriously bad filmmaking. I'm talking worse than your average Troma movie here. And if you can take that, then have at it. Maybe you'll find something to enjoy here.

Gary Carroll

The acting in this movie is so incredibly horrid you will squirm with pain in your seat while you attempt to watch this movie. The lead reporter was so unbelievable and so detached from everything that when her co-actors deliver their lines that she forgets to react until she has to say her lines. Although it is understood that the camera work is from a portable shoulder camera, there is almost no consistency. The script continues to stress that the cameraman is one of the best yet the shot is constantly zooming in and out and changing targets. This lack of focus leaves the viewer with zero ability to become attached to any of the actors. There are a few moments during flash backs that are fairly well played out but definitely not worth the effort. Please do no waste 98 minutes of your life.
