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Beastly Boyz

Beastly Boyz (2006)

October. 02,2006
| Horror Thriller

Rachel, a beautiful young artist, is savagely murdered at her secluded lakefront house by a group of soulless killers. Enraged and shocked by his sister’s senseles murder, Rachel’s brother, Travis, vows to avenge her murder and punish her killers one by one – even if it costs him his soul. Guided by his sister’s ghostly voice that commands him to take brutal revenge, Travis hunts down each of the killers and punishes them in gruesome fashion. Sickened by the horror of his own murderous actions, and driven by his murdered sister’s vengeful spirit, Travis discovers a fate much worse than murder…


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I liked this film, which I guess makes me unusual.The only other DeCoteau film I've liked (not that I've seen even half of them) was The Brotherhood.This one is better. There's only one female character, and she's not on the screen much. The guys are all hot, and the camera lingers lovingly over all of their best parts.While some of the actors have worked only with DeCoteau, the actor playing Travis has also gone on to work with others (TV episodes, The Thaw).The plot is the minimum required for a horror film about a knife-wielding revenge murderer. There are some good moments here, beyond the eye candy. For his second revenge murder, Travis spends minutes running that knife up and down Emery's sleeping body, but the second Emery wakes up, Travis's mood changes from almost sexual fascination with the knife, to blankly noticing the waking Emery, to pleasure going for the kill.I will grant that most scenes are too long, maybe by 3-5 minutes each, and that this movie would have been better around 60 minutes in length. If hot young men aren't your thing (of if you were expecting porn) then you might be too bored.


5 minutes of running through the woods + 5 minutes of sitting in front of a bunch of candles in your skivvies + 10 minutes of the camera panning up and down the toned, scantily clothed bodies of young guys + 50 minutes of a dude in his undies running a large knife up and down the bodies of the same scantily clad young guys = Beastly Boys! No script, absolutely no acting talent required! Apparently the only thing that matters is that your bum look great in a pair of boxer briefs! Can I please have back the 75 minutes (well, actually more like 15 minutes - my finger was on the fast forward most of the time) I just wasted viewing this piece of trash?

Johnny LT

David Decoteau seems to have earned, rightly so, a reputation as the Roger Corman of gay horror schlock, having produced a dozen such movies in the past four years. He uses an interchangeable cast of nobodies who probably just came off of a modeling shoot or out of the nearest twink bar, and has an Uwe Boll-like proclivity for reusing the same sets and locations over and over, probably because it's cheap to film there. Beastly Boyz takes a slightly different tack from most of his movies, because the script is about as long as the Preamble to the Constitution. Instead of silly things like plot and dialog, we get treated to extended scenes of the main character rubbing a knife up and down the bodies of lithe young men. These sequences literally last for several minutes at a time. The movie is 74 minutes long, but it feels much longer, just because it doesn't ever bother to *do* anything. If you have a fetish for knife play, then this is the movie for you, but I don't think anyone else needs to see this.


Beastly Boyz is a film that can't decide whether it wants to be a no budget slasher film or a over stylized sexless nude-less porno.A film almost completely devoid of any plot except that the "writer" decided that he needed an excuse for the main character, who is also our villain, to go around and kill some guys...The plot, what little there is, is as follows: Travis Finds his twin sister Rachel lying on a dock in some sort of summer sports camp. What either of the siblings is doing there in the first place is never explained... except for a small trickle of what is supposed to be one assumes is blood but looks more like chocolate syrup on her lips and not a scratch any where else on her body in fact she looks as though she's just stepped out of the shower and decided to take a nap on the dock, bust she's dead. And because Travis and Rachel have a... GASP... Psychic connection... (Lazy Writing convention number 1). She can talk to him from beyond the grave, though she couldn't use it to let him know she was in trouble in the first place. After her ghost tells him she was murdered and he needs to get revenge on those who did it he then spends a 20 minute 80's training montage doing "sporty Things" and the worst kick boxing I've seen on film... before lying on the dock and having a 10 min (screen time) erotic fantasy about his sister and running a kitchen knife up and down his body over his underwear and licking said knife... Then though a ritual and auto-writing he gets the names of the guys that killed Rachel. Why he need to preform a candle light ritual to get the names when he already has a psychic connection to his sister I'll never know...And there you have it the opening half hour of a hour and fourteen minute long 'movie. What follows is uninspired kill after kill with no blood just for most kills we're treated with 10 minutes of more body/knife erotica only this time Travis is running the knife up and down is clueless victims who for some reason ignore or can't feel the knife on their body, again for at least 10 minutes (I'm not kidding I timed the scenes) before the show a quick reaction show of them being kill and then we cut to the next scene. One victim is even tied to the rafters of a roof and gaged and he does not struggle or try to get away from the knife or Travis in fact once Travis treats him to the knife massage over his underwear he seems to get aroused...The acting is horrible and forced, the effects are non existent then character run around in nothing but their underwear for no reason at all but hey it's summer camp... most of the movie no explanation as to why they are at a summer camp are they campers? Counsellors? From the local town? The dialogue is unintentionally laughable with gems such as:Travis: How many more do I have to kill before it's all over?Travis: Your Pleas of sorrow are weak, time for you to bleed.Travis: I felt like I had my revenge, but I sensed that my revenge was woefully incomplete.Travis: I did it Rachel I got revenge on those who took your life... You Loved your life didn't you? Loved your friends, your work, your home. I'm sorry that it's gone, but life doesn't end at death you are still with me. I've avenged your murder, Rachel. Now we can be together forever as brother and sister in heaven.This is actual dialogue and as it appears in the movie there is no lines in between spoken by Travis or anyone else in fact there is no other speaking characters except Rachel saying things like "Kill them," or "Travis,".The Victims are as silent as they are generic twinkies who are completely interchangeable with any other twink actors in porn...In fact that is my theory the original intent of this film was a porno film but then some one said "He this is pretty good. Let's cut out the sex and make a homoerotic slasher film gay men will eat it up cause look as the guys their good looking and they're all running around in their underwear"They then decided to edit out the sex scenes that came after the knife massage or just before it and cut right the the quick cut of the murder.Worst of this film was made with the co-operation of Insight Films who brought us The Donald Strachey Mystery Series why they would put their name on this steaming pile of dung is beyond me... Xtra magazine, OutTV are also thanked in the credits.When is the gay community of which I am a part going to wake up and realize that a Gay themed Piece of SH** movie is still a PIECE OF SH** and no support this garbage like any other film.If a Horror film is truly a waste of time those that truly love the Genre don't go see it just because it's a horror movie and we need to support our genre. By going to see these celluloid B.M.'s we're saying we okay with lazy film making and that film makers can continue to spoon feed us this crap.I urge anyone Gay, Straight or other wise to avoid this film at all costs, that is unless you want to see a soft, soft, soft-core non-porn,there are no money shots boys... no nudity below the belt at all front or back... had they had a few of these shots it might have been worth a look ;)
