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When a Killer Calls

When a Killer Calls (2006)

February. 01,2006
| Horror Crime Mystery

A babysitter begins receiving threatening phone calls from a man who has just killed an entire family.


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I've read most of the reviews on here and not one mentions these points, so here they are. Chick is on the cell, walking to a house to babysit, in the dark no less, and has to refer to directions to get there. Did she click her heels together to get to the neighborhood? She must have, because if she lived on the road she'd know where the house was. If someone dropped her off? Why not AT the house duh!?! She feels like someone is watching her walking, yet HANGS UP with her friend?!? Swiss cheese for brains?!? THE BIG ONE. She assumes it's her boyfriend calling her cell phone all the times it's really the killer? She looks at the phone screen a lot, yet doesn't know it's NOT him?!? YOU SHOW ME A CELL PHONE THAT DOESN'T HAVE CALLER ID. I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE. If you answer a cell phone call that comes up blocked? Dumber than dirt. If they don't leave voice mail, they don't know ya. THE PARENTS. They spot the killer to let the audience know that the killer is KNOWN the dad says to mom " is that who I think it is?" Really?!?! Why not " wonder if they need help. Mentally challenged writer. I like my plots to have common sense. Not a good movie without that. There's "Suspension of disbelief" used to further a plot, then there's WTF. GUESS which one this is.


By all means it is far from great, but compared to the usual schlock from The Asylum, along with I Am Omega When a Killer Calls was actually tolerable. It does have its flaws certainly, most acting is not good, often pretty bad, though Robert Buckley's eyes are gorgeous. They were disadvantaged by that the characters really got on my nerves, not because they were stereotypical but they were made to do irritating things and just weren't that likable. The script also is left wanting, a lot of it has a corny and senseless quality to it, and the story aside from being very derivative has one too many moments where it is predictable and unexciting particularly in the middle. The stalking sequences are on the silly side. However, it doesn't look too bad, you don't expect much from The Asylum in this regard but it does at least have a decently atmospheric feel to it. Even the effects were creepy. The killings are bloody with some suspense too and the finale is truly harrowing. The killer, played by Mark Irvingson in the best performance of the movie, is quite sadistic and exudes menace, if there was any character that was at least convincing it was certainly him. Rebekah Kochan was also believable as the babysitter. All in all, not that bad for The Asylum. 5/10 Bethany Cox


This is one of those movies from the studio known to put out similarly titled and themed DVD's to conveniently coincide with the real studio release movie. In this case we get When a Killer Calls, ripping on the Sony remake of When A Stranger Calls (2006). The movies are about an isolated teen babysitter getting terrorized by a prank caller. While Stranger was rated PG-13, Killer is unrated offering up graphic violence, nudity and language. Killer is obviously low budget, with passable-at-best special effects for the gore, though the acting is surprisingly decent for the most part. The storyline differs just enough from Stranger to keep them from getting sued, but it's your standard cliché slasher fare. I was expecting MUCH worse though.


This movie had horrible lighting and terrible camera movements. This movie is a jumpy horror flick with no meaning at all. The slashes are totally fake looking. It looks like some 17 year-old idiot wrote this movie and a 10 year old kid shot it. With the worst acting you can ever find. People are tired of knives. At least move on to guns or fire. It has almost exact lines from "When A Stranger Calls". With gruesome killings, only crazy people would enjoy this movie. It is obvious the writer doesn't have kids or even care for them. I mean at show some mercy. Just to sum it up, this movie is a "B" movie and it sucked. Just for your own sake, don't even think about wasting your time watching this crappy movie.
