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The Wind of Fear

The Wind of Fear (2007)

August. 13,2007
| Horror Thriller

Claudia is a troubled teen confined in a very particular support center ruled with roughness by renowned psychiatrist Bernarda Alquicira. Coexisting with girls who have experienced similar trances, Claudia confronts horrible visions of Andrea, a beautiful intern who committed suicide a year ago. Another strange patient -Josefina- and doctor Lucia Franyutti -the right arm of Bernarda- seem to know the key to the bizarre return of Andrea, but even they are disturbed by the supernatural events that take place when the wind starts to blow.


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José Paredes

Although some may disagree, this remake of the 1968 cult classic by Carlos Enrique Taboada, excels the original in many ways . Gustavo Moheno does justice to the story and manages to create a very scary entertainment. The main change? While the original took place in a boarding school, this one occurs in a psychiatric asylum.One of the best scenes recreates the famous striptease done by Norma Lazareno, but while in the original this dance was extremely well choreographed loosing credibility, in the remake the sequence fluids as a very spontaneous act that follows the impulses of a group of girls that just want to have fun.In general terms the ghost story is the same as the original but with new variations that add drama to the situation. There is a beautiful scene in which Martha Higareda reveals her naked body in front of a mirror that suggests the main theme of the movie (which I'm not going to mention because it could be a spoiler).The original film was formulaic and this remake can't help using the formula as well. Nevertheless, this new version is very well done, full of fascinating stuff that blocks, to some degree, all the clichés that defined Taboada's formula.


If you think this will be anything like the original, please don't waste your time or money, this is a bomb of the worst kind. Moronic writing, bad acting, a bad movie in all respects. The first 40 minutes, if you haven't fallen asleep yet, you'll beg for something, ANYTHING, interesting to happen. The rest is even worse. A good movie if you are trying to go to sleep. The character have no interesting qualities whatsoever, in every horror movie, character need something to make you at least care for them, in this movie you beg for the ghost to appear and kill this bunch of rotten girls nobody cares about. Even the "wind" a real and scary character in the original version is almost completely missing in this "remake".Nothing in this movie holds up to the original, but the worst thing is the writing, no character behaves consistently.

Omar Velásquez Manzo

I went to the cinemas on the premiere night hoping to watch a good re-make of the Carlos Enrique Taboada's classic "Hasta el viento tiene miedo" (even the wind is scared)... What a deception... What a loss of money and time... I paid to watch a classic horror movie remake, instead I had to bear a copy of the bad teen movie "Niñas mal" (aka. charm school, the Fernando Sariñana's movie) mixed with a Mexican soup opera and a lesbian twist... Horrible, horrible movie... The only good scenes were the T&A scenes.. The plot is the same of "Niñas mal": a bad girl with addictions and depressions going to the rehab center with another bunch of disturbed girls dealing with (you know) girly and bitchy matters... Add a ghost that doesn't scare, a two sexually insecure and repressed old ladies and bad acting, bad directing, bad photography, etc.In conclusion: Don't see it, is't an awful movie, unless you want to loss your money and your time...


I've just recently saw a preview of this film in the distributor's little theater. It's a peculiar film; not bad, very atypical for the Mexican industry, with serious flaws but also great moments and incredible acting.Although is a remake of a cult classical Mexican film, the story takes quite a detour from the original. It intrigued me because it tries desperately to be very commercial and very artistic at the same time.The premise is basic horror stuff -a suicide anorexic girl is confined in a psychiatric center haunted by a ghost-, and curiously enough, in a few minutes I was completely immersed not in the supernatural side of the story, but in the profoundly human interaction that the plot manages to establish between the characters.Some aspects of the movie are kind of cheap (al least in front of the budgetary standards established by the pyrotechnical Mexican horror film "Km 31"), but the cast is so great that you forget the economical restraints of the piece.Mexican actress and -believe me- next Hollywood star Martha Higareda, looks and acts very different from her previous roles (she was always the good looking girl next door), while Danny Perea -the girl from Duck Season-, makes quite an impression as the disturbed and beautiful Josefina, a character that is begging to have her own movie.I don't have a clue of what are going to think the fans of the original movie, but I can say this: be prepared for a big surprise. You can like it or not, but the movie doesn't leave you indifferent. You really care for this characters... And, by the way, the music of the movie is really beautiful.
