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Chance Pe Dance

Chance Pe Dance (2010)

January. 15,2010
| Drama Music Romance

Sameer is the archetypal struggler who leaves his dad in Delhi and comes to Mumbai, chasing dreams of becoming a star in Bollywood. Does he manage to survive the bleak and grueling rounds of endless auditions, broken promises and missed chances?


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I went into this movie looking for a lift of spirits and I was not disappointed. I did not have prior expectations from the actors or the director as I am new to Bollywood movies. The movie is gorgeous in its bright colors, beautiful people, delightful music and dance, and provides a refreshing and enlightening look at Indian modern cinema culture. The story is simple - the basic human drama of the struggle to achieve one's dream, find love, and be recognized by parents and peers for your special gifts. I did not have English subtitles and the flow of the beautiful Indian language interspersed with a bit English was enough to tell me what was happening. Shahid Kapoor was powerful in his beauty and dramatic dancing and his screen presence was delightful at all moments. His co-star Genelia Dsouza was graceful and lovely to watch. This movie did have a bit of everything including the kitchen sink thrown in the plot, but it all works together nicely to produce classic finding-one's-destiny, true love, redemption through the love of children and being true to yourself kind of story. The people who trashed this film I think just didn't get what it is. It is not to be taken as a serious drama. Chance pe Dance is an ice cream cone on a hot day, and stick of cotton candy, a walk through a rose garden in full bloom...a simple delight for the senses, a moment of diversion from troubling times.


Chance Pe Dance is only a little over two hours in running time, but feels much longer because the screenplay limps lethargically in no particular direction.Chance Pe Dance is an annoying, exhausting film that entirely fails to entertain. The dance portions here are impressively performed by Shahid Kapoor, but you could interchange each of the sequences and it would make no difference to the final film. Much of the blame for that must by shared by composer Adnan Sami who delivers an uninspired soundtrack of indifferent tunes.Chance Pe Dance doesn't work because you feel no empathy for its protagonist. The film's writers -- if you can call them that, considering there is no script to speak of -- fail to invest even a hint of vulnerability in Sameer. More so, Shahid Kapoor's surface-level performance doesn't help convey the desperation his character's supposedly feeling.The obligatory romantic track between Sameer and an upcoming choreographer (played by Genelia D'souza) is so random, it adds no dimension to the central plot. This is a film without any character arcs, or plot progression. To be honest, Chance Pe Dance is a film that probably started shooting before a script was ever written; a one-line idea that never developed into a complete story.

Gaurav Garg

The movie was really really bad. Before entering the Hall, I knew that the plot would be crap, and I kinda knew the story by just watching the trailers, But all I wanted to see is Shahid's dancing. He didn't quite live up to my expectations. I don't really blame him for this. He was NOT used to his fullest. Genelia was great. I liked her acting and her character. The school part was totally unnecessary. Probably used just to fill some gap or spark a chemistry between Shahid and Genelia.In short, please don't waste your time on this flick. I gave it two stars just because I am a fan of Shahid and I liked Genelia's role. Otherwise, it probably doesn't even deserve one.


After spending 2 hours in the cinema hall digesting this movie, I had decided not to waste even a single extra minute. But then I thought, a few minutes of mine could save a lot of useful hours of a lot of people. In summary, if you have never seen someone selling domestic garbage packed in a shiny box, this is a prime example. UTV must have spent a fortune marketing this absolute disappointment.I gave 3 to this movie. There are loads of reasons, but almost everything about this movie is really bad. The direction, editing, music, nothing has even a glimmer of hope.Shahid Kapur surely doesn't deserve such a waste of a movie after Jab we Met and Kaminey. Genelia is now the 2nd actress in Bwood who has issues speaking the language. At some point, our directors have to understand that the lead actress has to be more than a pretty face. Most disappointing was Mohnish Behl, who I thought for some reason was trying to be like Annu Malik of Indian Idol.Take my suggestion and avoid.
