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Stupid Teenagers Must Die

Stupid Teenagers Must Die (2006)

October. 14,2006
| Horror

It's the 1980's and a group of typical horror movie high school kids are getting together to hold a séance in a haunted house. Naturally, people start dying preposterously bloody deaths, girls are getting naked for no apparent reason and people walk into pitch black rooms and say things like "Is someone in here?" Will any of these poor, hapless kids survive? Or will their bodies fill the house with blood and...well, you know!


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After seeing Christina DeRosa in Run! Bitch! Run!, I just had to see more. This was her first film with a credited role, and I would expect it be on the same level.Now, this is a B movie, low budget horror movie that pokes fun of other slasher flicks. Don't expect great acting, fabulous sets, or anything but blood, zombies, and gratuitous nudity, and you won't be disappointed.Nothing special.Mindless entertainment.Easily forgettable.


Seeing the title of this movie "Stupid Teenagers Must Die" made me believe this was a spoof of some kind. I discovered later on the original title was "Blood and Guts". Both titles are misleading, though. This is not a spoof, neither a serious splatter movie. This is something in between, failing in both areas. A group of teenagers is attending a séance at a spooky house and then the killing starts. Sounds over familiar, doesn't it. Well, this movies adds nothing whatsoever to the endless stream of similar movies. And it is badly made. Because of the lack of light the entire film is grainy. Now this effect can be highly effective, but it isn't in this case. The young cast isn't acting too badly, but the director has no clue as what to do with actors. In numerous scenes the actors are clearly waiting for directions, but these are given too late. It could also be an editor's mistake, of course. The characters are unrealistic and the story line just stinks. The sound is terrible at times: conversations are undecipherable, but when talking loudly or screaming the actors are very loud indeed.This is not the worst horror movie I have ever seen, but it still is a bad one. For me a 3 out of 10.


Stupid Teenagers Must Die" directed by Jeff C. Smith has accomplished being one of the funniest horror flicks out there right now.He goes back to basics with this 80's oriented film that has you glued to the screen with it's goofiness and classic horror situations like the lights all go out and then the famous stupid question that is always asked comes, "Is someone in here?" You know with the whole "C'mon guys quit playing around" kinda thing.A group of kids get together at Murder McGee's house to have a séance hoping to provoke his spirit into coming out to play. McGee murdered his family in the house and it's supposed to be haunted. Kane with his Michael Jackson like jacket and the beautiful Julie arrive at the house with Madelyn and Alfie sitting at the table looking smug. Maddy doesn't want Kane there at first but then it works out.Tiffany the petite little blonde bounces in looking for Mike who didn't show up while the two lesbians Sissy and Jamie continue to moan and salivate on each other in excitement. Ryan the dork in the pink alligator on the pocket shirt who can't wait to get his ass a seat at the table next to anything female. Two geeks that must trail this crowd try to get involved but end up just taking a tour of the house instead Considering this film had a very tight budget I think it turned out great, there was plenty of blood to make use of on that set. I liked being able to laugh when something really awful was going on, "Cory Assink" was hilarious and reminded me of an Ashton Kutcher in his prime but a lot less annoying. When he found Madelyn and tried to tell the group what happened had me laughing my ass off.Director Jeff C. Smith started his film career back in high school but says his projects back then will never be viewed for the sole purpose that they are positively awful. "Stupid Teenagers Must Die" is far from being a flop, it's everything any B movie lover every dreamed off. Blood and Boobs is a lethal combination in the horror world and this one has a little of both.


STMD! is not a terrible movie, but it IS quite forgettable. The lighting is intentionally poor in many scenes and unintentionally poor in all the rest, so you are likely to come out of a viewing with a headache or eye-strain. Special effects are imaginative, but obvious. The gratuitous nudity essential for teen slasher flicks is there, of course, along with the archetypical teenagers, but the whole movie just doesn't gel. What was needed was some snappier dialogue and more tongue-in-cheek humor.I can't really recommend that you use your time watching this movie. I often give a nod to a movie based on just a scene or two that demonstrates imagination or humor, but these are sadly lacking in this film.
