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Aunt Rose

Aunt Rose (2005)

March. 10,2005
| Horror

A trio of ruthless killers seeks refuge in a quiet suburban home, only to discover a destructive force that could spell their doom in this blood-drenched frightener from director James Tucker. They thought they had found the perfect hideout, but what they didn't realize was that they had entered into the home of a truly terrifying family. But the folks downstairs are the least of their worries, because by the time these sadistic beasts discover the unearthly powers of the woman who dwells on the third floor, it's already too late for any hope of survival.


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Travis Boothe

This movie is very low-budget, and whoever said that the naked chick's breast were a turnoff is either a gay male or a female. The scene in which the two twisted lovers cut the girl's breast implants out is one of my favorites. Besides the nudity, the plot was really good: a band of murderers hide out in the house of a family that they take hostage, but they wind up being terrorized by an old woman who can't get out of bed. There is a shocking ending, which answers the question of why there is always footsteps coming from upstairs when the old lady cant walk. I recommend this movie to anyone who pays more attention to plot than special affects. The movie does appear to have been shot with a hand held camcorder, but it's worth seeing.


Aunt Rose, everyone's sweet old aunt that is just a bit mysterious and creepy. Sick and bedridden, poor Aunt Rose appears to be on her deathbed, waiting for the reaper to come and take her away. But this poor old lady has secrets that no one can explain, not even the writer or director or the plot for that matter. She's got powers. She can bring the dead back to life, but it takes away a part of her life when she does it. She can even disappear at will (that was never explained either).Anyway, a trio of "wanna be" thugs (boyfriend, girlfriend, mutual friend) need a place to hide out for a crime they committed. Well, it just so happens they choose the wrong house. No one messes with Aunt Rose's family. So while this trio of thugs invade the home and take over, weird things begin to happen. Family members are killed and then brought back to life by sweet, creepy old Aunt Rose to get revenge on the thugs. One by one they all eventually pay the highest price for their deeds.I had fun with this film. I love B-Horror movies, and this is just that. Take it for what it's worth and nothing more. Is it cheesy? Yes, but so are most B-Horror films. If you're looking for a good cheesy horror movie with some laughs, then look no further than Aunt Rose.


I wish I would have jerked the wheel into oncoming traffic instead of actually making it to the video store to rent this. At first I thought it was a joke and someone was going to yell cut, ending the making of a goofy horror flick to start the real movie... then I realized this was the movie. It looked like somebody borrowed their parents camcorder to film this!!!The acting was horrible, the plot was worse, and it all and all I can't say enough about how bad it really was. And the ending!!! I can't believe the poor attempts at special effects. I would like reimbursed for the 90minutes of my life I wasted. If there are B-rate movies then this was an L. I wish I could give lower than a 1 on the rating scale, perhaps a zero, or a negative 712. Let's just say Aunt Rose will not be receiving a Christmas card from me this year.


I don't know what that other reviewer was smoking, but this movie is not just bad, it's dreadful. I have watched possibly every low-rent, low-budget horror movie that has ever been produced, and this ranks among the worst. It was only out of a sort of train wreck curiosity that I continued watching this movie after the first five minutes. The acting is awful, just completely rank in the most amateurish fashion... not to mention being subject to seeing a very unattractive woman expose herself to the camera. Look, I realize that overseas markets really go for breasts, but let's be honest here -- do we really want to see that? The entire film is just a disaster, from start to finish. It's amusing enough for the completely D grade cheesiness of it, but if you're looking for a good horror movie, this just doesn't measure up in any way, shape, or form.
