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Cold Hearts

Cold Hearts (1999)

December. 31,1999
| Horror

A quiet town in New Jersey possesses a dark secret. Viktoria has given her life and soul to the ways of the vampire...


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Michael Ledo

This is a fun teen/young adult vampire film that takes place in Ocean City, New Jersey. There is a core group of vampires which include killers, and those who buy blood and use powder blood. Chas (Christopher Wiehl) is the bad guy vampire leader who is trying to get back Viktoria (Marisa Ryan) who wants nothing to do with him. A mysterious dark stranger (Robert Floyd) rolls into town and wants to help Viki. However, our stranger is not what he seems because there are whooshing and whip sounds whenever he moves and even the vampires oooh and aaah over it.The film is fairly formula in a film that predates Vampires that glitter. It is a nice hidden gem, just don't expect big budget effects.Guide: F-bomb or two. No sex. Brief partial male butt nudity.


I thought this movie was okay. It was no Lost Boys, no matter how hard it tried to be. There was a kind of Lost Boys plot to it, but it was no where near as good.I found the special effects good, especially at the end, where the two main guys do battle, but the make-up effects could've been better on the werewolf.The acting was pretty good, for people I had never really heard of except for Christian Campbell.All in all I would give this movie a 5 on the scales, because they did an okay job and it wasn't completely awful. This is one of those movies where you'd have to watch and see what you think.


This low-budget indie film about grungy, vampire youths haunting the beachfront (sound familiar?) could have been smart and amusing, but instead comes off like a fanged version of some WB-style TV show. It misses some clever opportunities to be both stylishly violent and sexy, and instead relies on long conversations between a brooding female vampire (who consistently delivers monotonous sad stories to everyone she meets), and a frat boy with a dufus persona and a dubious moral code. Technically competent but utterly adolescent.


After searching for this movie, I was more than happy to finally see iton cable. It's not bad. Without recapping the story again, I can tellyou that I liked this spin on the vampire genre. There was a real Gen-Xtype of love story in there. I did think, however, that it became verylong winded towards the end. And it's not that the writing is bad,there is just a lot of it. But just when I found my eyes starting todroop the action kicked in. Marisa Ryan does a fine job as the hardenedvampire with motherly notions. I thought that Christopher Wiehl and AmyJo Johnson really stuck out. Wiehl, as "Charles", was everything youlike in a bad guy: handsome, charming, manipulative and down right evil.Johnson, as "Alicia", was plain cute. She lit the screen up every timeshe was on, even when she was melting. Overall, I liked the movie. Andwhile Masciantonio's writing could have been cut down, I was impressedby the direction. *
