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The Dead Talk Back

The Dead Talk Back (1957)

December. 31,1957
| Drama Horror Thriller

A psychic researcher attempts to solve a murder by using a radio that enables him to speak with the dead.


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Although made in 1957, The Dead Talk Back was stored away and forgotten until 1993. And to be fair, those in 1957 didn't miss much. The Dead Talk Back is pretty boring, and the only time that the dead actually talk back is at the end of the film. Henry Krasker (Aldo Farnese) is a scientist working on some kind of machine that will allow him to talk to the recently deceased. He lives in a house with an assortment of other people. When one of those people, Renee Coliveli (Laura Brock) is murdered, Krasker sets up the machine to determine who did it. In the meantime however we focus on the police investigation which I wouldn't really mind so much if the movie wasn't focused on this machine that allows people to talk to the dead. On top of that, the film looks pretty cheap, it isn't very interesting, none of the characters are particularly likable, so it makes a pretty good Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode. So check out the MST3K sometime soon.


Rumor has it this film was shot in '57, but wasn't seen outside the editing booth until it was discovered in '93. MST3K featured this on their show and, PRESTO, instant cult classic! The story: A fiendish murder has been committed. The killer used a crossbow (I suspect Daryl Dixon, teehee). The police chief narrating the story (kinda like Joe Friday, I guess) turns to a weird scientist who's working on a radio to communicate with the departed. The killer is unveiled in one of those all-too-convenient self-incriminating confessions. But no-one ACTUALLY talks to the dead. (Sorry, spoiler alert!) It's an odd mixture, I'll give it that. Some of the acting is good, some wooden, and some over-the-top. Personally, I liked the banter between the police chief and his second-in-command. Other than that, and the occasional stabs at scientific/ supernatural phenomena, this is just a straightforward police story. On its own, I give the film 3 Ghoulish Voices out of 10. To the MST3K version, however, it gets 9!


The Dead Talk Back. Weren't they irritating enough when they were alive? This is a somewhat odd "who done it?" tale of a crossbow murder at a boarding house. The story is basically told through the eyes of one police Lt.Lewis investigating the crime and the amateur sleuth helping out. Mr Krasker, the amateur sleuth, believes the departed can be contacted and communicated with. Therefore his services are highly sought by the police in solving the murder. All boarders are suspect. Who done it? Is it the bible quoting potentate of righteousness, the homely Miss Byington, the withdrawn record clerk, the refined DJ, the landlady, Frits Kreuger, or Mr. Krasker himself?? Marvel as Mr. Krasker devises a plan to nab the murderer. Recommended for murder mystery buffs and those who talk to the dead or are thinking about it.


I'm coming late to the game on this one,and I'm so disappointed. It was shown as part of the sixth season of Mystery Science 3000 which how most people have run across it. The story is that Sinister Cinema discovered the film at the Headliner offices and promptly snapped up the rights to this 1957 horror/crime drama. Bad movie lovers have been feeling the pain ever since.The plot concerns a woman living in a boarding house who is murdered. The subsequent police investigation includes a machine to talk to the dead. Everyone the woman lived and worked with are suspects.What can I say about this movie? Its hysterical. I could almost believe that the film was a joke except that there is too much evidence to suggest otherwise. It opens with a nonsensical silent sequence of a man following a woman at night., It moves on to the criminologist explaining about his invention to talk to the dead. From there we get misplaced voice over narration, dialog sequences that seem to have been randomly cut together, a woman who inexplicably disrobes as she speaks to the police, The murder victim clearly holding the arrow to her chest, differing murder weapons in different sequences, loopy dialog and some of the wildest hair on record. Its a bad movie lovers dream. I'm going to have to watch this again just to see all of the mistakes, miscues and oddball choices for myself.This is a movie to get your hands on and pick apart. I know MST3K did just that but this movie is so ripe for destruction that odds are you and your friends and loved ones will come up with infinitely better lines. This is a classic bad movie.If you want to have a good time with your friends find this movie and watch it, just go easy on the popcorn you might just choke to death when you're laughing.
