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Black Demons

Black Demons (1991)

January. 05,1991
| Horror

Three American college students, Dick, his sister Jessica, and her British boyfriend Kevin, are traveling through Brazil on vacation when Dick, after attending a bizarre voodoo ceremony, develops strange powers. When their jeep breaks down near a small plantation in the jungle outside Rio, the site of a former slave rebellion 150 years ago, Dick uses his powers to raise the dead of six executed Negro slaves whom target the college kids and the residents of the plantation to seek revenge for their deaths


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This is such a huge step down from the other movies and it totally doesn't feel like it's being part of the series.If you already thought that the first sequel had very little to do with the movie "Dèmoni", wait till you see this one. This isn't even a movie about demons but one about old fashioned voodoo zombies instead. So why is this movie even part of the series? Its concept, characters and settings have absolutely nothing to do with any of the previous two movies.This movie is taking place in Brazil. Why? Just because they could I guess. As opposed to the previous two movies, this one is set in the open, which is already taking away a lot of the tension from the movie. There is never truly a sense of danger and despair in this movie and it never gets any good horror-wise.There is some gore in the movie but not nearly as much as in any of the previous two movies and it also most certainly isn't as great looking. This movie really could had done with some more killings or at least some more zombie action. Now the movie instead is being for most part very lackluster and you just constantly keep waiting for something good to happen. It seems to take forever for the movie, making this an at times quite boring one.The acting is also absolutely horrible. Not that any of the previous two movies featured some impressive performances in them but the acting in this movie is so bad that it becomes an annoying aspect about the movie.You could admire the movie for trying something different this time around but it feels more as if the movie its script got written for a totally different movie and this never was supposed to be a part of the 'Dèmoni' series in the first place. Besides, also when you see this movie as a standalone, it's simply a very lacking genre movie, that will even disappoint the most hardened fans of zombie flicks.Not entertaining, not scary, not very involving...just not a very good movie to watch.4/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/


I'm pleased to add this little Cubic Zirconia to my collection of gems. The plot is almost non-existent, the characters incredibly one-dimensional, but despite that, it was a good effort. It was obvious that at least some research on Candomble was done, and the ritual scene was amazingly well-crafted. The "Black Demons" themselves had great make-up, and the few gory scenes there were left little to be desired. Now, we come to the meat of it all: the acting. In a word, terrible. This isn't a film to be taken seriously anyway, but the unintentional comedy is everywhere. From accents that randomly disappear, accents too thick to understand, and the eye-bulging freak-outs of the maid, this is one film that's worth seeing in spite of itself. Get some friends together,pop this in, and have some laughs.


Black Demons (1991) * 1/2 (out of 4) Italian horror flick has a group of people stranded in an old mansion in Brazil when black zombies (not demons) begin to attack them. All of this is brought on because a stupid brother went to witness a voodoo act, which now has the black zombies (not demons) out willing white folks. To say I was disappointed in this film would be a major under statement as I'm usually a fan of Lenzi's films. The Italian horror genre was already dead and buried by the time this film was released and the producer's even released it as Demoni 3 to, I guess, cash in on the two Lamberto Bava films. Those expecting gore are going to be letdown because there's actually not too much of it. We get one good scene where a victim has her eye ripped out and another throat slashing but outside of these scenes the gore is pretty low. This is the type of film we've seen countless times before and I was rather shocked that Lenzi didn't throw anything original into the mix or at least try to make this film fly better. It takes thirty-minutes for the first murder to take place and then we have to wait nearly another thirty-minutes for the next. The film is full of really bad dialogue including one scene where the owner of the mansion finds his maid doing black magic and he punishes her by making her go to her room just like she was a kid! The performances are all rather bland, which is to be expected but the fault of the film's failure has to go back on the director. The film looks very poorly done and there isn't any of the director's typical style.

B. Simmons

After a strange amulet is stolen during a voodoo ceremony, the mouldering corpses of dead slaves arise in the Brazilian coffee fields. This almost reminds me of some of the high profile Italian gore films of the late '70's or early '80's. Director Lenzi shows that, after 30 years of film-making, he hasn't lost his touch for creating memorable horror films. A very good film which will keep you on the edge of your seat.
