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Psychos in Love

Psychos in Love (1987)

May. 01,1987
| Horror Comedy

A strip-joint owner and a manicurist find that they have many things in common, the foremost being that they are psychotic serial killers. They fall in love and are happy being the family that slays together, until one day they come up against a plumber who also happens to be a cannibal.


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Psychos in Love (1987) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Joe (Carmine Capobianco) and Dianne (Angela Nicholas) meet in his bar and soon hit it off. They never realized that they could meet someone with so much in common but it turns out that they both are also serial killers. The two agree to live together and keep killing but soon problems start to happen.PSYCHOS IN LOVE from director Gorman Bechard is a rather interesting film because in many ways it plays out like the countless romances that have happened since the dawn of cinema. You've got a fun couple. That couple faces various issues. That couple here just happen to be brutal murders. This isn't the type of film that is going to appeal to everyone and there's no question that there are some flaws but at the same time there's no question that there's a certain charm that is going on here.The main thing that is going to draw people to this movie is its sleaze. If you're into violence, gore and hot ladies getting naked then you're going to get plenty of that throughout the running time. What's so funny about this movie is that we've got the two lead characters talking to each other like they're in Romeo and Juliet but at the same time they're surrounded by all of this brutal and gory violence. The special effects certainly aren't in the same league as Tom Savini but they're still quite good. There's also plenty of blood being sprayed around so it's easy to see why this film gained its cult reputation.I also thought the two leads were quite good but there's no doubt that it's Capobianco who steals the show. He was co-writer for the screenplay so I'm sure he wrote his character's good dialogue but he also knew how to deliver it. PSYCHOS IN LOVE has certain flaws including its plot getting worn out by the end but it's still a fun little gem.


This is essentially a one joke movie. The catchy theme song "Psychos in Love" will stay in your head long after the film is forgotten. The killings are not creative enough and seem overly repetitive with the numerous slashings. The script is padded with Woody Allen type talking to the audience interludes, and overly talky scenes that do nothing to advance the story. "Psychos in Love" comes across as either a sincere homage to "Eating Raoul" or a total ripoff. Similarities abound, same squeeze toy squeaked by Robert Beltran, the frying pan bop on the head, reading outrageous newspaper headlines, and a plumber who wants the bodies for his own secret purpose. - MERK


Ok, PSYCHOS IN LOVE is pure unadulterated silliness from start to finish. Not a moment of it is to be taken seriously and anyone who does take it seriously should seriously have their head examined. It plays out very much like a poor man's Troma film (if that's possible!) replete with lots of unconvincing gore and T & a shots. The two lead actors are a hoot and do their job very well. I especially liked Kate's character and how they made her up to look like Molly Ringwald. Plot is fairly simple: Two mad slashers meet, find they share a similar hatred for grapes (!!) and before you know it, they're headed for the altar! Amidst the romancing and killing, a cannibal plumber named Herman is on the loose. The sub-plot involving the cannibalistic plumber doesn't go far but then, you aren't watching PSYCHOS IN LOVE for depth and characterization. Herman comes to fix the psychopathic newlyweds sink, finds out they are killers, blackmails them and then. I had a fun time watching this thing. The jokes are extremely dark and subtle, and are almost always dead on. A real gem in a long line of slapstick comedy-horror. Recommended for connoisseurs of all things cheap and stupid.


Two serial killers fall madly in love with one another and that's just about all the plot you are gonna get out of this film. This is supposed to be a spoofing of the genre in general. Some of the jokes really hit home ( ex. when they buy a VCR and start renting movies), but some fall really flat on there face. The muscial numbers don't really work and feel as though they belong in another film. The two leads are alright. The producers and director did the best job they could considering how low the budget was.Unrated; Strong Graphic Violence, Nudity, Rape, Sexual Situations, and Profanity.
