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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home (2013)

May. 14,2013
| Horror Thriller

A young married couple comes home from a date night to discover that they are imprisoned in their own house with a killer inside.


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A young married couple comes home from a date night to discover that they are imprisoned in their own house with a methodical killer inside.Very slow build up while the dude is alone in the house. Directed so that you don't see his face as he roams from room to room getting the lay of the land.The entire front end is creepy. Then the people come home and the tension is high. Especially the entire scene where the wife is in the shower.T this point we were about a little more than a third into the film so I wondered where the movie was going to take us when mommy gets in the cheerleader outfit.Let's just say it doesn't go well.Much of the last quarter of the film is relatively predictable. And how could it be otherwise? It's hard to pull off this kind of film in a unique way. But they get points for trying. And guess what? They pull off the surprise ending of the century.


This movie was one of the worst I've ever seen. Absolutely no thought went into making it; my five month old daughter has told me better stories and she doesn't even know how to speak. I can't imagine anyone got paid to make this, or made any money off it, but if they did, they should give it to charity. Granted, they had no budget, and only four actors, but that's no excuse. Clerks was paid for on a credit card and was actually entertaining. The only movie worse than this one is Mr. Hush, but at least that was so bad it made me laugh. Why did he put vasoline in his hair??? Yes, I asked why the killer put vasoline in his hair. That tells you all you need to know about this miserable waste of time. THe only way this movie would have been better is if the killer pulled the director out from behind the camera and began flaying his skin off while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy.


The beginning is promising. A lot of suspense is created in the opening. It's very creepy and you feel almost voyeuristic traveling through the couples house with the creepy soon to be masked man. Some of the scenes are really great like the angle that they show the masked man when he firsts put on his mask. There is zero plot.... **Spoiler alert***The husband is maimed immediately. He then half assedly tortures the wife. He asphyxiates her a couple of times. He randomly puts lipstick on her. The wife is borderline retarded. She openly walks around when she knows the killer is looking for her. She also is safely nestled in her sons room and rather than staying there meanders to the front door which has been removed from its hinges...yeah the killer is just gonna let you go... The movie moves extremely slowly and the climax stinks. There is no real resolution or clarifying of the motives at the end of the movie. I was not impressed. The plot also has major flaws. Like the security company stops by her house? And knocks on the door? And then says OK, we're going to call the police. Apparently there is only one police officer in the whatever city they live in. Stupid.


your not gonna like this review...this movie is completely and utterly ridiculous. im just continuing to watch it out of self torture.here are some various stupid things that happen...silent alarm gets tripped so a security calls round, sees all the lights on, knocks and calls out 15 times, no answer, rings the phone, no answer. OK, have a nice night see ya. i mean ffs.there's a pistol in a safe on the top floor, but no it cant be that easy. it has to have a trigger lock. but it still cant be that easy, she has to sneak all the way down 2 staircases to get the key, which she instantly drops and so has to run and hide without picking it up. but then after some time she actually picks the key up so finally she has the gun and trigger lock key. slam dunk right? run upstairs gun in hand and blow the guy away. nope, she has to run upstairs without unlocking the trigger lock, and yep you guessed it, runs straight into him and gets the still trigger locked gun knocked out of her hand. she then runs upstairs and pushes a small dresser in front of a door but he is unable to even budge it??and when she eventually shoots him in the friggin neck, he goes down and is nearly dead. but comes back to life and gets better and better, and even manages to stumble all his proper clothes back on and make a phone call? worse case of an actor acting shot I've ever seen.
