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Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young ‎– Déjà Vu

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young ‎– Déjà Vu (2008)

January. 25,2008
| Documentary

CSNY/Déjà Vu is a 2008 film directed by Bernard Shakey, a pseudonym for Neil Young. It focuses on the career of Crosby Stills Nash and Young, its musical connection to its audience and the turbulent times with which its music is associated as the band goes on their 2006 Freedom of Speech tour.


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CSNY/Deja Vu (2008) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Documentary covering Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's 2006 "Freedom of Speech" tour, which had them going back out with a purpose. According to what we're told here, Young got the idea to protest the war in Iraq so they headed off on tour to see how many people they could reach. This documentary has reporter Mike Cerre going with the band from one city to the next where they face many die-hard fans willing to put up with the protest but at some concerts, such as the Atlanta one, they come under fire with boos and walk outs. I got my first taste of the legends at the 9/2 concert in Noblesville, Indiana and I still remember how strange a show it was. At times people were up cheering, dancing and having a good time but the next song people would be cussing, fighting and throwing things. I personally felt that the concert had many great touches but at times it was just too political for its own good. I'm not one against protest songs seeing as how my favorite artist is Bob Dylan but one needs the songs to be good in order for them to work. It's funny but this documentary covers the Atlanta reaction to "Impeach the President", which was full of cussing, threats and walks out and this is probably the reaction the song had at a lot of places. You either cheered or left. For me, the song was just so silly and badly written that I felt it was a disgrace to great songs like "Ohio". The documentary is certainly one-sided in its politics but I think fans and non-fans can have a good time with it because it's simply fun. If you're a fan of the classic songs then they're here to be heard and the guys sound great. The music is top-notch, even on the weaker, new songs and Young was just mind blowing in his playing. He was amazing to see live that night and many memories came back to me while watching this documentary. I thought the film was at its best when we see the guys before the show and tour when they were nervous about how the reaction would be. Seeing them after the show was great as well. Even if one doesn't buy into their politics and even if one has no politics, this documentary is worth seeing just for the classic music and of course as a backstage pass to what was going on behind the scenes.


From out here in Australia on the periphery of the US empire, this musical outing showed US audiences "split" about the War in Iraq & Afghanistan. A re-run of Vietnam (been there done that) - Deja Vu indeed. Especially for my generation who opposed the war in Vietnam and now the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (and Palestine) in Burma and the Congo, in Sudan/Darfur and West Papua....all wars ! The musicians and the tour made some opening some space for dialogue to begin about ending the war bringing the troops home.I wonder what others who have viewed the film now think with Barak Obama elected if the troops will come home, if like fellow Republican Nixon, Prez Bush will become a pariah for the rest of his life ?Peace now and then. Viola Wilkins Melbourne Australia


If you are seeing it get away for a few hours you do and you don't. CSNY is still one of the best bands ever. It's always wonderful to see a great rock film. It's horrible to hear the same pathetic, ignorant war mongers rant about an illegal invasion making them safe. Stephen Stills helped so much with the last elections. I hope the film does the same this election. After seeing bush win the last two elections I have little hope but I will vote. When the DVD comes out it will make a great addition for those who collect concert films. I went to France a couple days after the war broke out. Paul McCartney had an entire audience there singing "All We Are Saying Is Give Peace a Chance." So I expect the film to do really well in France also. They can't take away free speech even if they can listen to our phone calls! So what listen all away. This is a great movie and we do not want this war.


I was at one of these shows in August 2006, and it was THE best rock & roll concert I've attended in my life, out of many.This is especially high praise for CSNY, because while I've always liked them, there are many artists about whom I've been much more passionate.The politics were right out front, which was fine with me, given my agreement with them. The on-stage video clips (and other staging devices) detailing the costs of the war in "blood and treasure" were terrific in their depressing way.The quality of the music was utterly stunning. I've heard bits of CSN/CSNY live before, and wasn't expecting much. Tight playing, good arrangements, GUITARS IN TUNE (!), and wonderful singing. Also, TREMENDOUS variety of material from the group's, and its members', solo careers. As advertised, the show featured every song from Young's then-new album, "Living With War". The album itself was marred by a grotesquely awkward combination of hard rock instrumentation with CHOIR vocals. This production was so bad that I couldn't tell if the songs were any good!HOWEVER, the point here is that the "Living With War" songs were absolutely fantastic, when adapted for performance by CSNY. The supporting musicians were all Neil Young veterans, and I had the distinct impression that he was serving as ringleader of the entire operation. However, all four of C, S, N and Y were featured equally, to great effect.I love Neil, I love the guts they showed in really busting chops about the war back in 2006, before it was quite so clear what a fantastic blunder this has been, and I'm ready for whatever political content appears in the film.Let's just hope the incredible music is not underrepresented.I'm bound and determined to see this thing, hopefully in a theatre, and ultimately, I'll own a copy on DVD.
