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Nirvana: With the Lights Out

Nirvana: With the Lights Out (2004)

November. 23,2004
| Music

Highlighted on the With The Lights Out DVD is a previously unreleased video of nine songs performed in 1988 at bassist Krist Novoselic's mother's house in Aberdeen, Washington; the rare "In Bloom" Sub Pop music video, and 10 never-before-seen live performances. Noteworthy among them are debut renditions of "Pennyroyal Tea", "Smells Like Teen Spirit" both from early 1991. Also premiering is an unlikely performance of Jacques Brel and Rod McKuen's "Seasons In The Sun" shot at a Rio de Janeiro studio.


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I rated this DVD as a 6, but the whole Box would get a 10. The footage shown on the DVD is good in that sense thats its fun to have seen it. I doubt the DVD will find it's way back in the DVD-player, at least not for a while. The CD:s have SOME tunes that are on them just because they are historically interesting: the DVD is packed with them. Nearly every track on the DVD can be found in alternate versions from other dates on other recordings: often with better sound and picture quality. The rehearsals in 1988 sounds fun, and are fun the first time you watch it. The 1991 recordings are also historically important, but nearly impossible to listen to due to the bad sound. The tracks I will return to on the DVD are Sappy (my favorite Nirvana track), Talk to me and Seasons in the sun. The last two can not be found on any bootleg videos and the Sappy recording on this DVD is the best version I have seen. The whole point of the box was to include tracks that not even the bootleggers owned and although the majority haven't seen the great video recordings of shows in Texas, Holland, Roma and Reading, the bootleggers have. If this was a "greatest hits of live videos" I would have rated it higher, but It would have lower the rate of the box in total as its not made to show the best: rather to show the important. But as this is not sold without the CD:s I doubted whether I should rate this as the 10 the box deserves or as the 6 the DVD alone deserves? Bottom line: Buy the Box, the CD:s is more listenable although every track (including everyone on the DVD) is important.


I'm new to the whole nirvana thing as I've only been listening to there music for five years, but let me tell you that in that time i have become a dedicated fan, and this purchase has propelled that obsession even higher, from the great acoustic numbers to the previously unreleased numbers this set will grab you and draw you in, the DVD is not for everybody's tastes but it delivers what it promises(footage that you ain't seen) and while it does what it says on the tin, occasionally you'll be hurried in your mind waiting for the next "scene" to arrive but that said if your a big fan you'll be throughly delighted and smiling the whole way through...but don't go and buy just for the DVD the footage is grainy hard to hear and at best mediocre to the casual nirvana fan, but i would like to add(and although this sounds silly) i found the menu screens the most fun to watch these include some of kurts artwork and so-on...my overall judgement is if your into the music, buy it, if you want a cool rock DVD, don't, the real amusements in the cds


This is a great DVD and a must have for serious Nirvana fans. This DVD like the rest of the box set wasn't presented to allow new fans to break into Nirvana, but instead give us older fans something more to appreciate. Though the sound quality on most of the tracks (most notably 1-9) is horrible, this DVD is still put together nicely and is loved by plenty of serious Nirvana fans. Unfortenetly it is missing a lot of footage, like their music Video's and some other live performances. But for what we've been waiting for since 1996, this is incredible.It does include the Sub Pop music video for In Bloom which was nice to see on a DVD but has been traded and downloaded by collectors and fans for along time now. The Rio Sessions featuring Seasons in the Sun is a nice finisher for the DVD showing them in the studio working. It was also nice to see Dale Crover and Jason Evermen appear on this DVD. So stop reading this and go buy it already!
