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Boy's Choir

Boy's Choir (2000)

October. 28,2000
| Drama Music

A young teen's father dies, and he is sent to an orphanage. He's teased because he stutters almost runs away, until a beautiful, androgynous boy, Yasuo (Sora Toma), convinces him to join the choir.


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This Japanese story of strong bondage between two adolescent males can't be properly considered gay,and more of in the occident the new term is bromance. And that's most of the plot of this long movie, 2h10. Boy enters an orphanage school, is bullied for its stammering, supported by another and conduced to the choir, where situations eventually are transposed. Subplots include an embryonic leftish movement never well explained. Bore, bore, pure boredom. Beautiful landscapes in a meditative film indented for Japanese fanfics, which will give significance to small rocks left in precise points.The beautiful landscapes that changes throughout the seasons are a plus.

Jay Harris

BOYS CHOIR, yes this is a movie about a boys choir in a rural Japanese orphanage. This is the truest item.This film was listed a comedy & also having a gay theme.IT IS NOT A COMEDY, also there is nothing gay about this film in ANY meaning of word gay. Yes 2 of the lads become friends, NOTHING is even inferred that they are more than friends.There is also a needless leftist subplot involving a female friend of the choirmaster, who causes a tragedy.The film is also way over long.Running time of 130 minutes is at least 40 minutes too long.The opening scene was very confusing, I did not know what was happening, the final scene was needlessly tragic.How this film won awards is beyond me.It is DULL & BORING. I have seen more than a few movies about Boys Choirs & Choirs in general, most were at least uplifting & you left with feeling good.At the conclusion of this one, I felt no emotion only utter boredom.The settings are interesting & the cinematography is good. The performances by all are just passable,Ratings *1/2* -- out of 4--43 points out of 100---IMDB 3 out of 10


I enjoyed watching this film from Japan (with English subtitles). It was one of the first foreign films I have seen with a good plot and storyline. It didn't begin a scene and then skip to something that didn't seem to have anything to do with the first scene. A young teen's father dies, and he is sent to an orphanage. He enters a world that he is not accustomed to. This is a good film to watch. A lot of genuine emotions come from it, as the story unfolds. The acting was very good, and the main characters were well-defined. It was a good portrayal of those things that happen in life: hopes and dreams that may or may not come true.


I hope that an expert in Japanese literature can inform us here, but isn't this the classic Yukio Mishima formula? I expected to find that it was based on one of his novels, but it does not say this in the IMDB.(Male) Plodder meets (male) Shining Star. Shining Star is physically beautiful male with Dream. Plodder befriends Shining Star and helps him with his Dream. Shining Star becomes more fanatical with Dream. Shining Star frustrated in Dream but won't compromise. Shining Star self-destructs. Plodder left with painful but inspiring memories of Shining Star. If you like this kind of thing, then do see it. Ultimately not very human, but fanaticism never is.On a musical note: If Japanese choirs really rehearse like this, with such discipline and dediction, then we need to take some lessons from them!
