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I Am Trying to Break Your Heart: A Film About Wilco

I Am Trying to Break Your Heart: A Film About Wilco (2002)

June. 21,2002
| Documentary Music

A documentary by photographer Sam Jones documenting American rock band Wilco recording their fourth album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Originally intended as a showcase of the band's creative process, the film crew catches unexpected complications between the band and its record label and problems among the band members themselves.


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Fascinating documentary focuses on Wilco recording "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot," the album that caused them to be released from their record contract, only to be picked up by a subsidiary of the same label that fired them. The album (which they were already paid for by former label Reprise) becomes their biggest seller ever. Gives you a "fly on the wall" look into the conflicts between Wilco top guns Jeff Tweedy and Jay Bennett, which resulted in Bennett leaving the band. Great studio footage, cool live band stuff, and some less compelling live Tweedy solo performances. That fact that this story unfolded LITERALLY in front of first time director Sam Jones' eyes is pretty amazing. Talk about being in the right place at the right time (for the sake of the film, that is). Maybe the band will be better off without Bennett? Who knows. I'd think this film would easily hold the interest of those not familiar with the band, but will be very special for those familiar with the unique, uncomprimising approach of these alt. country pioneers. 4 stars.


I confess...I'm a hardcore Wilco fan. I'm sure that colors my view of the documentary, but I found it a very interesting and ultimately redeeming film. After a slow start, I found myself engrossed in the band's struggle to complete the album. It's a testament to Jones' skill that he is able to capture some truly uncomfortable moments between band members with such directness.The film has it all...great music, insightful views into the band and music industry, and enough lightheartedness to keep the film balanced.A must see for Wilco fans...For non-Wilco fans...well...I dunno. Maybe...maybe not.9 out of 10.


This picture is a must see for any Wilco fan, and I highly recommend seeing it on the big screen if possible. Besides the great concert and 'in process' recording footage, it has great art direction and cinematography. If you're a fan, you already know the stroy; Band makes record, band gets rejected by label, bands fires member, band tours, band gets label, critics love band. Interesting behind the scenes stuff that doesn't make you want to ralph like watching that stupid VH-1 show.


I confess, I like the band. I like them a lot. With that in mind, it was hard for it to fail. What suprised me was the candidness? --of the members. In addition, it was "happening" as you saw it. Unlike the the VH1 gab-feasts from the likes of Poison members tearing up on camera about their struggle of being "accepted" by the music industry elite with 8 million plus albums sales under their belt.Jeff Tweedy seems more than genuine when vomitting in a studio bathroom during the recording of "YFH".So, don't stay at home this Sunday night watching Cher babble on about her "fight" to make it. Instead, drive to the small-out-of-the-way theater in your city that will probably end up showing this film, and enjoy it.
