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Wu Yen

Wu Yen (2001)

July. 21,2001
| Fantasy Comedy

Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her first.


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Bizarre doesn't even begin to describe this film, nor does off-beat. A shallow emperor, a determined warrior princess and one very foxy women who keeps switching back and forth like a ping-pong ball.But to be honest, it is a funny little film in every sense of the word I confess, this was the very first time I'd ever seen Cecilia Cheung, Sammi Cheng or Anita Mui in a film but I have to say the sillier it got, the more it grew on me. Special mention should be given to Mui who has her hands full with role playing and the same goes for Cecilia Cheung. And even if it teeming with divas, this twisted tale has a truly off-beat charm and in this case, a little charm goes a long way-- at least far enough to keep you with it to find out where it will go next.

Dan Starkey

Another gender bending three girl Chinese kung fu movie, this time played for laughs. Anita Mui mugs incessantly for the camera, Sammi Cheng wanders around not getting the joke, and Cecilia Cheung is nice to look at. Slow in parts but a reasonably amusing way to spend a couple of hours if you're feeling out of sorts. Apparently a quickie Chinese New Year effort that has the production values of a high school skit.


I enjoyed this movie far more than I expected to. The whole cast of characters (or charicatures) was wonderful - particularly Anita Mui. This is light-hearted, whimsical storytelling about as good as it gets. A little bizarre at times, but a fun story throughout.


The laughs swirl around strong performances by Anita Mui, Sammi Cheng, and Cecilia Cheung.Anita Mui plays the Emperor Qi(yes, that's Emperor), a lecherous, weak, cowardly fool whose destiny is to marry the infallibly virtuous Chung Mu Yen, played by Sammi Cheng. Of course things aren't that easy because a mischievous, but innocent Fox Spirit (translated in the subtitles as Enchantress), played by Cecilia Cheung, has fallen in love with Mu Yen instead.The Fox Spirit curses Mu Yen by placing a large mark on her face, hoping the shallow Emperor's rejection of her will drive Mu Yen to love him instead. When that doesn't work, he turns himself into a beautiful woman to seduce the all-too-willing Emperor and drive Mu Yen away.There really isn't a good reason why Anita Mui, as opposed to a male lead, was cast as the male Emperor, but somehow it works. She also plays the Emperor's Great Great Great Great Great Ancestor, the royal family's incompetent guardian spirit.Adding to the fun are the Emperor's four flustered advisors, who record his mishaps in grand prose (a la Robin's Minstrels from Monty Python and the Holy Grail), and this film's low budget production.A few of the script's lightning fast puns eluded the subtitlers and will elude a non-Canto audience. but there's more than enough fun energy in this film to make it worth seeing.
